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Branding Recap: Creating a Brand Style Guide in 6 Steps | MP 123

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Branding Recap: Creating a Brand Style Guide in 6 Steps | MP 123

How can you ensure consistency and professionalism in all of your messaging? Are you in the process of rebranding with or hiring a new designer? How can you quickly communicate the essence of your practice’s brand to a new designer?

In this podcast episode, Sam Carvalho speaks about creating a brand style guide in 6 steps.

Podcast Sponsor: Therapy Notes

An image of Therapy Notes is captured as the sponsor on the Practice of the Practice Podcast, a therapist podcast. Therapy Notes is the most trusted EHR for Behavioral Health.

Is managing your practice stressing you out? Try TherapyNotes! It makes notes, billing, scheduling, and telehealth a whole lot easier.

Check it out and you will quickly see why TherapyNotes is the highest-rated EHR on TrustPilot with over 1000 verified customer reviews and an average customer rating of 4.9/5 stars.

You’ll notice the difference from the first day you sign up for a trial. They offer live phone support 7 days a week, so when you have questions, you can quickly reach someone who can help, and you are never wasting your time looking for answers.

If you are coming from another EHR, they make the transition really easy. TherapyNotes will import your clients’ demographic data free of charge during your trial so you can get going right away.

Use promo code ‘JOE’ to get three free months to try out TherapyNotes, no strings attached, and remember, telehealth is included with every subscription free. Make 2022 the best year yet with TherapyNotes.

In This Podcast

  • Start with a great brand story
  • Use logo guidelines to create a recognizable brand signature
  • Include your brand’s core color palette
  • Choose typography that matches your visual style
  • Find your brand voice
  • Include image and data visualization guidelines

Start with a great brand story

A brand story defines and describes the things that a company cares about the most. It’s used to communicate a company’s values to the public, and can also help guide major decision-making within an organization.

Sam Carvalho

Brand stories wrap up a company’s vision, mission, and core values in one package, so the brand story should always come first in the brand style guide.

If you’re feeling stuck, feel free to Google some brand stories for inspiration. Trello, Skype, and Facebook all have great ones!

Use logo guidelines to create a recognizable brand signature

Brand story aside, your logo is the most important part of your brand.

It’s the one thing that everyone should immediately recognize as belonging to you, and only you. To make your logo instantly recognizable, it has to be used consistently.

All of the top brand style guides outline rules for exactly how to use their logos, to make sure nobody sends the wrong message with their brand. That even includes specifications on how much space to leave around logos, acceptable color variations of the logo, as well as minimum logo sizes.

Sam Carvalho

Include your brand’s core color palette

To keep brand recognition intact, it’s important to make core brand colors consistent.

In your brand style guide, clearly define your brand’s color palette. This usually includes one primary color and some secondary shades.

Include the necessary hex codes, RGB values, and CMYK color codes to make sure your colors are presented consistently across all media.

Choose typography that matches your visual style

Typography is one of those things that go unnoticed if it’s done well but sticks out like a sore thumb if it’s not. Allowing font choices to slip under your radar can cheapen your brand.

Sam Carvalho

For consistent typography, outline which fonts are used for what purposes – in print and on the web – in your brand style guide.

You can even design a hierarchy of font styles and sizes, text colors, and styles for lists and paragraphs. Or, just focus on your most used fonts which are usually not more than one or two.

Find your brand voice

Spend time finding the style that resonates with your audience and aligns with the personality of your brand.

Once you have it figured out, ensure it’s replicated across your channels by spelling it out in your brand style guide.

Sam Carvalho

Do this by including a writing sample (or two) that heroes your company’s brand voice.

Include image and data visualization guidelines

Everything about your imagery, including style, color, and content, contributes to the perception of your brand.

Therefore, it’s important to create some guidelines for imagery like photos, illustrations, charts, infographics, and so forth to include in your brand style guide. Include where to position them and for which purposes they are used in your messaging.

Photographic style is as important as illustrative style. If you use photographs frequently in your branding, your style guide should specify the level of complexity, compositions, color schemes, and technical specs that make photographs fit within your brand.

Sam Carvalho

Additionally, if your branding features infographics or data visualizations, include some stylistic guidelines for them as well. Specify when and where to use infographics and data visualizations and include style preferences and technical conventions.

These sorts of guidelines are easy to overlook, but when used properly, go a long way toward fostering a cohesive brand presence.

Sam Carvalho

Useful links mentioned in this episode:

  • Use promo code ‘JOE’ to get three free months to try out TherapyNotes, no strings attached, and remember, telehealth is included with every subscription free.

Check out these additional resources:

Meet Sam Carvalho

A photo of Samantha Carvalho is captured. She is the Chief Marketing Officer and Designer at Practice of the Practice. She is the host of the Marketing A Practice Podcast and helps therapists successfully market and brand their private practices.

Sam Carvalho is a graphic designer living in Cape Town, South Africa, with over five years of experience in both design and marketing, with a special interest and experience in the start-up environment.

She has been working with Practice of the Practice since 2016 and has helped over 70 therapist entrepreneurs take their practices to the next level by enhancing their visual branding. She loves working with a variety of clients on design-intensive tasks and is always up for a challenge!

Follow Sam on Instagram to see some of her work. To work with Sam, head on over to

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Podcast Transcription

[SAM CARVALHO] The Marketing a Practice Podcast will be coming to an end at the close of 2022 with the last episode being published on Thursday, December 29th. As such, I will be taking the month of December to review how to create great branding or improve on your current branding. The 126 episodes published will continue to remain available for you to listen to at any point if you’re feeling stuck in your branding or marketing. It’s been a pleasure going on this journey with you, and I hope you have found value in this content. I wish you all the best in marketing your practice. Welcome to the Marketing a Practice podcast with me, Sam Carvalho, where you’ll discover everything you need to know about marketing and branding your business. To find out more about how I can help you brand new business visit And if you’d like to see some examples of my design work, be sure to follow me on Instagram at Samantha Carvalho Design. When it comes to branding, consistency is everything, but how do you ensure brand consistency when you have a number of departments or designers producing your brand collateral over time? How can you quickly communicate your brand requirements as you grow your small business? If you’ve been listening to my podcast, you’ll know the answer through a brand style guide. A brand style guide is a rule book containing specifications on everything that plays a role in the look and feel of your brand, everything from typography and color to logos and imagery. It lets everyone know exactly how to present your brand to the world. It guides the design for all of your content from blog posts and presentations to offer spaces and business cards. So here’s a walkthrough on how to create a style guide that clearly outlines your brand asset guidelines and ensures professionalism and consistency in all of your messaging. [SAM CARVALHO] Number one is to start with a great brand story. Every great brand is driven by a compelling brand story. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, a brand story defines and describes the things that a company cares about the most. It’s used to communicate a company’s value to the public and can also help guide major decision making within an organization. Brand stories can look pretty different at different companies, but there’s one key thread that ties them all together. Brand stories wrap up a company’s vision, mission, and core values in one package. The brand story should always come first In the brand style guide, it sets the stage for the brand experience and should inform the rest of the brand style guide. If you’re feeling stuck, feel free to Google some brand stories for inspiration. Trello, Skype and Facebook all have great ones. Number two, use logo guidelines to create a recognizable brand signature. Brand story aside, your logo is the most important part of your brand. It’s the one thing that everyone should immediately recognize as belonging to you and only you, and to make a logo instantly recognizable, it has to be used consistently. Think about it. Have you ever seen the Facebook logo in any color other than the Facebook blue? That’s not by accident. All of the top brand style guides outline rules for exactly how to use their logos to make sure that nobody sends the wrong message with their brand. That even includes specifications on how much space to leave around logos, acceptable color variations of the logo, as well as minimum logo sizes. Again, have a look at Spotify, Facebook, or Snapchat’s brand style guides for some examples of this. [SAM CARVALHO] Number three, include your brand’s core color palette. To keep brand recognition intact, it’s important to make core brand colors well-known and consistent. In your brand style guide, clearly define your brand’s color palette. This will usually include one primary color and then some secondary shades. Don’t forget to include the necessary hex codes, RGB values, and CMYK color codes to make sure that your colors are presented consistently across all media. Number four, choose typography that matches your visual style. Typography is one of those things that goes unnoticed if it’s done well, but sticks out like a store thumb if it’s not. Allowing font choices to slip under your radar can really cheapen your brand. Again, to ensure you’re applying typography consistently across your collateral, be sure to outline what fonts are used for white purposes in both print and on the web in your brand style guide. You could even go so far as to design a hierarchy of font styles and sizes, text colors and styles for lists and paragraphs. If that’s taking it too far for you though, just focus on your most used fonts, which are usually not more than one or two. Specify your font and design hierarchy with respect to font sizes, for example, big for headers, medium for sub-headers, and smaller for paragraphs and font weights. For example, light, bold, heavy, et cetera, [THERAPY NOTES] Is managing your practice stressing you out? Try Therapy Notes. It makes notes, billing, scheduling, and tele-health a whole lot easier. Check it out and you will quickly see why it’s the highest rated EHR on Trustpilot with over 1000 verified customer views and an average customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. You’ll notice the difference from the first day you sign up for a trial. They offer live phone support seven days a week so when you have questions, you can quickly reach out to someone who can help. You are never wasting your time looking for answers. If you’re coming from another EHR, they make the transition really easy. Therapy Notes will import your clients’ demographic data free of charge during your trial so you can get going right away. Use the promo code [JOE], that’s J-O-E, to get three free months to try Therapy Notes for free, no strings attached, and remember, telehealth is included with every subscription free. Make 2022 the best year yet with Therapy Notes. [SAM CARVALHO] Number five, find your brand voice. The importance of having a consistent brand voice in your messaging should not be underestimated. Spending time finding the style that resonates with your audience and aligns with the personality of your brand. Once you have it figured out, ensure it’s replicated across your channels by spelling it out in your brand style guide. Do this by including a writing sample or two that heroes your company’s brand voice. Number six, include image and data visualization guidelines in your brand style guide. Last but certainly not least, it’s time to talk about imagery. Everything about your imagery, including style, color, and content, contributes to the perception of your brand. Therefore, it’s again important to create some guidelines for imagery such as photos, illustrations, charts, infographics, et cetera, to include in your brand style guide. You can do this by giving examples, specifying when and where to use illustrations and including stylistic choices like background cover color, level of detail, scale, blending modes, et cetera. Photographic style is as important as illustrative style. If you use photographs frequently in your branding, your style guide should specify the level of complexity, compositions, color schemes, and technical specs that make photographs fit in your brand. Whether you work with photos or illustrations, providing lots of examples and thorough descriptions is the way to go. Finally, if your branding features infographics or data visualizations, don’t forget to include some stylistic guidelines for them as well. Specify when and where to use infographics and data visualizations and include style preferences and technical conventions. These sort of guidelines are easy to overlook, but when used properly, they go a long way towards fostering a cohesive brand experience. So to sum up, create a brand style guide in six simple steps. Number one, start with a great brand story, number two, use logo guidelines to create a recognizable brand signature, number three, include your brand’s core color palette. Number four, dictate your topography hierarchy, number five, define your brand voice and number six, specify the imagery and iconography that makes up your visual style. I hope you found this episode valuable, just recapping on the importance of a brand style guide and how to go about creating a great one. I will see you in the next episode. [SAM CARVALHO] Thanks again to Therapy Notes for sponsoring this episode. Remember to use the promo code, [JOE], that’s J-O-E to get three free months to try out Therapy Notes for free, no strings attached. Thanks for listening to the Marketing a Practice podcast. If you need help with branding your business, whether it be a new logo, rebrand, or you simply want some print flyer designed head on over to And if you’d like to see some examples of my design work, be sure to follow me on Instagram at Samantha Carvalho Design. Finally, please subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on iTunes if you like what you’ve heard. Talk to you soon. Marketing a Practice podcast is part of the Practice of the Practice podcast network, a network of podcasts seeking to help you market and grow your business and yourself. To hear other podcasts like Beta Male Revolution, Empowered and Unapologetic, Imperfect Thriving, or Faith in Practice, go to This podcast is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regards to the subject matter covered. It is given with the understanding that neither the host, the publisher, or the guests are rendering legal, accounting, clinical, or any other professional information. If you want a professional, you should find one.

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