PoP Culture Meet Evan Center, MS, LCPC

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evan center private practice consultant

I sent an email out to folks on my email list (click here to join or learn about it). I said to them that I wanted to feature them on my website. I thought to myself, I know them, they know me, but y’all don’t know one another!

Today I want to introduce you to Evan Center, MS, LCPC Therapist and Business Coach. 

Name: Evan Center, MS, LCPC Therapist and Business Coach

The Center Institute Website

Follow Evan on Twitter

What’s something you learned from Practice of the Practice?

One thing that I already knew was true in private practice, but that I learned from Joe in the world of business coaching is that, though there is competition out there, it is not about competing with other therapists (or in the case of what I learned from Joe, with other coaches). All of our practices do better when we get clear on what we ourselves do best and then go out into our communities (be them geographic or virtual) and find out what our “competition” does best. The thing is, none of us is totally amazing at doing every kind of therapy with every kind of client (or coaching every therapist). When we really understand what we are good at and figure out who our ideal client is, and then market to those people specifically, and have the connections to refer less well fitting clients to other therapists who will be a better fit, we all win — especially clients.

What is your therapeutic specialty?

Teens, Young Adults, and Parents

What is an action you took to grow your private practice?

Public speaking …. which is a huge challenge for me. But it was absolutely critical in establishing myself in my community as an expert with my ideal clients.

Complete this sentence: When I first started a private practice, I…

…thought it would be easy. I had good connections, knew a lot of people, had good experience… and what I learned was that it takes more than being a good therapist to have a great practice.

How have you grown your income and influence?

I’ve grown my private therapy practice by consistently putting one foot in front of the other. I won’t tell you that building a practice is simple and can be done in four easy and quick steps (insert Monster Truck Voice). It takes time and intentional steps. (And it IS much faster when you know what those steps are!)

What’s next for you?

World domination. Just kidding… sort of. But seriously, I am really passionate about two things: teens and helping therapists. My vision is constantly evolving and growing, but right now in my private practice I am working on a plan to influence how parents approach their child’s adolescence … It is bigger than what I can do by merely seeing clients, or even by doing groups, or even by hiring other therapists to do this work with me. (Stay tuned to see what it is.)

What is one specific podcast or article that helped you grow quickly?

Oh gosh, I wish there was just one. There is far more information out there now than there was even a few years ago. It is a great time to be building a private practice. Honestly, a lot of the stuff Joe puts out would have been helpful when I was getting started, but he hadn’t written it yet! I love Joe’s recent “Authoritative Guide to Every Stage of Private Practice” — I wish you’d written that in 2009 instead of 2015, Joe, but then you couldn’t have quoted me. 😉

If every counselor in the world was reading this, what would you want them to know?

You have to find the thing you are really great at doing (…and that thing is not working with just anyone). You are exactly the right therapist for certain people — once you figure that out, you can figure out how to market and to whom, what to offer as far as appropriate treatment, what to charge… I find so many therapists are afraid to niche, but in avoiding it, you are selling yourself short, and you are short changing your clients as well.

What are 2-3 resources you love? How do you use them to grow your practice?

My assistant. She is hands down the best thing for my practice. As a mother and someone who still runs her private practice while coaching therapists on how to run theirs, there is no way I could do what I do without her. Know that if you are a parent, outsourcing may need to come sooner for you.

Joseph R. Sanok, MA, LLP, LPC, NCC

Joe Sanok Private Practice ConsultantJoe Sanok is an ambitious results expert. He is a private practice business consultant and counselor that helps small businesses and counselors in private practice to increase revenue and have more fun! He helps owners with website design, vision, growth, and using their time to create income through being a private practice consultant.

Joe was frustrated with his lack of business and marketing skills when he left graduate school. He loved helping people through counseling, but felt that often people couldn’t find him. Over the past few years he has grown his skills, income, and ability to lead others, while still maintaining an active private practice in Traverse City, MI.

To link to Joe’s Google+ .

Group Practice Boss Conference 2025

May 6-7, 2025 | Traverse City, MI

Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or looking to scale, the Group Practice Boss Conference 2025 is your chance to unlock the strategies, tools, and connections that will transform your practice.