How Creative Generalists and Entrepreneurs Can Get Unstuck with Murielle Marie | POP 787

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A photo of Murielle Marie is captured. She is a business coach for creatives and a big part of her work is psycho-education and helping clients rewire their brains to change their mindset for success. Murielle is featured on the Practice of the Practice, a therapist podcast.

Are you a creative generalist? Have you often felt stuck between projects and ideas, not sure which one to choose? How can you maintain momentum while exploring new ideas?

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about how creative generalists and entrepreneurs can get unstuck with Murielle Marie.

Podcast Sponsor: Brighter Vision

An image of Brighter Vision Web Solutions is featured as the sponsor on Faith in Practice Podcast, a therapist podcast. Brighter Vision builds all in one websites for therapists.

It’s that time of year again!

My friends over at Brighter Vision are once again kicking off the fall season with a month-long digital conference event they call ‘Fall Into Cash’.

For the entire month of September, they’ll be teaming up with the top brands, consultants, and coaches in the mental health industry to provide you with the best advice, tools, content, podcasts, and giveaways; all centered around one main goal – helping you grow your practice and make more money.

Plus, in celebration of the 6th anniversary of ‘Fall Into Cash’, they’re also offering a very special discount exclusively for Practice of the Practice listeners.

From now until the end of the month, they’re offering $20/month off of any website service plan for your whole first year plus no signup fees – that’s a savings of over $200!

For more information and to take advantage of this great offer, head on over to

Meet Murielle Marie

A photo of Murielle Marie is captured. She is a business coach for creatives and a big part of her work is psycho-education and helping clients rewire their brains to change their mindset for success. Murielle is featured on the Practice of the Practice, a therapist podcast.

Murielle Marie is a business coach for creatives and a big part of her work is psycho-education and helping clients rewire their brains to change their mindset for success.

Murielle loves to jam about how we create our own reality, productivity, self-management, mindset, how neuroscience helps us understand how to do it, how trauma affects our brain, and how we can literally change everything about ourselves and our lives by thinking differently.

Visit Murielle’s website and connect on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

FREEBIE: How To Get Unstuck In Your Career

In This Podcast

  • What is a creative generalist?
  • Where creative generalists can get stuck
  • Strategies to get unstuck

What is a creative generalist?

[They’re] also known as multi-passion creative, maybe a multi-potentialite, a renaissance person. It’s somebody who needs a lot of variation and has a lot of passions and interests.

Murielle Marie

A creative generalist has a deep hunger for knowledge.

They can easily become bored with subject matter as it becomes familiar to them, so it may become more difficult for them to follow through with projects and ideas.

Generalism is one of the big pieces here. It’s like, we live in a world with specialists but not everybody’s a specialist, not everybody’s focused on one thing. You have a lot of people that need variation and a lot of different things in their life to be happy.

Murielle Marie

Where creative generalists can get stuck

  • Realize that there is nothing “wrong” with you: you are a generalist living in a specialist world
  • They may get stuck overthinking
  • Perfectionism stops them from pursuing some passions
  • Procrastination can get them stuck

Strategies to get unstuck

Feeling stuck in life is a complex situation because they are many aspects at play:

  • Psychological: fear and struggling with limiting beliefs
  • Emotional: wondering what other people may think and feel like your worth is tied up in your progress
  • Social: not wanting to disappoint people

If you have a lot of ideas, that can actually stop you from doing anything because you get overwhelmed or you procrastinate because you’re trying to move a mountain when you should just try and take a step.

Murielle Marie

So, how do you get unstuck?

1 – Stop. If you have lost some trust in yourself, stop trying the same things each day. You need to rebuild that faith and trust in your actions.

2 – Go on a to-do list diet: take a few days of not doing anything specific to give yourself a break and catch a breath to realign.

3 – Reassess: what is important to you? In all of the choices that you can take, which ones resonate the most with you?

4 – Maybe you don’t have to choose! Can you mix and match things?

5 – Practice and upgrade new mindsets because those influence how the rest of what we do follows.

If we eventually admit to ourselves what it is we want to do because the truth about being stuck is if you’re really, really, really honest with yourself, usually you know what it is that you want to do.

Murielle Marie

Useful Links mentioned in this episode:

  • From now until the end of the month, Brighter Vision is offering $20/month off of any website service plan for your whole first year plus no signup fees – that’s a savings of over $200! For more information and to take advantage of this great offer, head on over to
  • Visit Murielle’s website and connect on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

Check out these additional resources:

Meet Joe Sanok

A photo of Joe Sanok is displayed. Joe, private practice consultant, offers helpful advice for group practice owners to grow their private practice. His therapist podcast, Practice of the Practice, offers this advice.

Joe Sanok helps counselors to create thriving practices that are the envy of other counselors. He has helped counselors to grow their businesses by 50-500% and is proud of all the private practice owners that are growing their income, influence, and impact on the world. Click here to explore consulting with Joe.

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Podcast Transcription

[JOE SANOK] This is the Practice of the Practice podcast with Joe Sanok, session number 787. I’m Joe Sanok, your host, and welcome to the Practice of the Practice podcast, where we cover all sorts of things around starting, growing, and exiting your private practice, whether that’s selling your practice, whether that’s creating things like e-courses, whether it’s just talking infrastructure and creativity and how we run our businesses. All this stuff that we never learned in grad school that we’ve had to pick up along the way, well, that’s the stuff we cover on this show four days a week. So four days a week we’re doing this show. We also have 17 other podcasts that we have, we either host them or we support them. If you head on over to you’ll see our whole Practice of the Practice Podcast Network there of awesome other podcasts that you can check out. One’s like How to Grow A Group Practice, one’s on Marketing your Practice and lots of other shows that we support through our Done for You services. If you’re looking to launch a podcast we help from the backend. We have a whole sound engineering team. You may not know that, show notes team, transcription team, really, we do it all to help specifically mostly therapists and coaches that are doing interesting work. We’d love to help you with that if you’re looking to start a podcast this year. Well, I don’t know about you, but there’ve been times in my life that I have been stuck. I didn’t feel creative. I just was going through the motions and had to find that fire again. That’s what I’m really excited about talking about today. I remember it was right after I left my full-time job and I was, this would’ve been 2015, and I really had to think through what I was going to do in the private practice and then what I was going to do with the podcast. There’s so many different moving parts, and I just didn’t feel super creative. So I just kept doing what I was doing, but it was really when I took some time away that I really started to feel creative again. That’s when I’m excited to have Murielle Marie with us today. Murielle has 24 years of business experience. She started software-as-a-service startup that she sold, she’s a business coach and helps creatives and a big part of her work is the psychoeducation of helping clients to rewire their brains, to change their mindset for success, and to really help them find that creativity. Murielle, welcome to the Practice of the Practice podcast, so glad that you are here with us today. [MURIELLE MARIE] Hi, Joe. Thank you so much for having me. [JOE] Yes, I’m so excited to have you here. We were just talking about how you are from Antwerp, Belgium and how I’ve been doing all this ancestry stuff and found that that’s the actual port that my whole Polish side of the family came over from. You said there’s a museum there and that’s where the Polish side of my family came from. [MURIELLE] Yes, that’s so amazing. I went to that museum and they actually still have the showers that people used to take before they were allowed on the boat, so you can actually stand exactly where your ancestors stood. [JOE] Well, I’m not sure if great grandpapa John would want to know that I was standing right where he took a shower, but that’s pretty interesting that they do that. That’s cool. I mean, I can see why you’d want people to take a shower before they get on the boat, after traveling across from Poland and all that. Wow, that’s amazing. I’m going to have to come to Antwerp for sure. [MURIELLE] You have to absolutely [JOE] Well, before we got rolling, other than talking Ancestry you’re telling me just a little bit about your career. Take us through just the different things that brought you to this point. [MURIELLE] So I’m a philosophy major, so I have a Master’s in Philosophy, and when I was almost graduating, I was offered my first freelance position in the emerging internet at the time. We’re talking 24 years ago. So I just knew a little bit more than anybody else about the first version of Photoshop, the Dreamweavers of that time, the internet as such. So very quickly, I moved into project managing digital transformation, but not the digital transformation. We see today, the digital transformation from paper to digital, which was a really interesting and very exciting time because we were just learning about the internet and everything that was possible. There weren’t a lot of things at the time, everything, I mean, I’m sure you can remember how things were like 20, 25 some years ago. From there, very quickly I realized there was such a big demand in doing that work, and there weren’t that many people who actually had any experience doing it. That’s when slowly but surely I built my web agency, which I had for about 10 years until I sold it in in 2013. That’s also when I transitioned into business and career coaching. So I’d been very happy building it, but for the periods coming off my master’s degree and immediately stepping into this what I today would call pretty corporate sort of environment, a lot of the companies I was working with were very big and were asking a lot of the people that needed to do the transformation work for them, them. So I did that for about 10 years. I really enjoyed it, but at the end of that, I was sort of ready to do something else. As you were saying in your introduction I didn’t feel very creative anymore and that had always been something that had pushed me forward. I’d always had all of these passions and these ideas of the things that I was going to do when I was going to be all grown up and working and what I realized was I really wasn’t doing all of those things. So then I started to really look into, okay, what is it that I really want to do? That’s how I arrived where I am today, which is the business and career coaching. But in the meantime, of course, being a creative generalist, I also did a little escapade where I built a SaaS project, a startup in New York City, which was really amazing. I had a couple of other businesses on the side that I was also building alongside my coaching business. But now I’d say what I mostly do is coach mostly creative generalists of, or creative entrepreneurs and invest in the businesses of young entrepreneurs. [JOE] Well, I definitely want to hear about investing, because I’m always looking at diversifying income, for sure. So let’s make sure we get to that. I want to get to that eventually. But let’s stick with the helping general creatives, I know you just had a book come out about this. Maybe when you think about creatives and creative generalists, first so that we have the same terms, what do you mean by creative generalist? [MURIELLE] So, creative generalist is also known as a multi-passionate creative, maybe a multi-potentialite, a renaissance person, so it’s somebody who needs a lot of variation, has a lot of passions and interest, but mostly has a deep hunger for knowledge and is easily bored in the sense that as soon as a particular subject has become familiar, boredom sets in, and it becomes much harder to continue to do what at first seems so exciting and so fantastic. One of the other aspects of creative generalists, because that’s the way that I prefer to call them because generalism, I think is one of the big pieces here. It’s like we live in a world of specialists, but not everybody’s a specialist. Not everybody’s focused on one thing. You have a lot of people who need variation and a lot of different things in their lives to be happy so that’s why I use creative generalists the most. Another aspect of that or another sort of way that you can understand maybe the issues and we were talking about, or you were talking about this, this getting stuck, maybe we’ll get to that as well, is that a lot of creative generalists start a lot of things, but don’t necessarily finish them, at least not in the way that society thinks they should finish them. A lot of creative generalists are very smart and capable people, so they will, and they have this huge hunger for knowledge, so they will easily understand a new subject. They actually will love to dig into it and understand it until a certain level but then when they’ve taken everything they can out of it, they’re not going to, they want to go to a different sort of interest. So what very often happens is that they have all of these things they know how to do, they’ve done for a while, they’re interested in, but society pressures them to turn that into a business, into something that makes money. But that’s not always what needs to happen because they just very interests and very passions much more than let’s say specialists. [JOE] That’s awesome. I really appreciate that. Now, when you think about creative generalists, what are some ways that they get stuck, don’t realize maybe what they could be doing? I’m even thinking about, as you describe people that are a creative generalist, I’m like, well, that sounds like me. Like I love a lot of different things and there’s areas that when I master it too much, I move on and, even just hearing you describe it, it’s amazing how even in therapy if someone describes the symptoms of depression and someone has depression, they’re like, oh, I’m not weird. I just have depression. It’s nice to have someone describe it. What are areas that maybe creative generalists get stuck or have lacking or don’t realize their superpowers within that? Maybe point out the problem that, or problems that creative generalists go through. [MURIELLE] What a great question. Thank you so much for asking that. And I love what you said about recognizing and almost seeing this mirror image when I explain it, because that’s the psychoeducation that I do, it’s really about explaining to people that literally, there is nothing wrong with you. One of the best ways that I’ve found to do that is to say, you were just, you are a generalist born in a specialist world. In the book that I wrote about creative generalists, I make the metaphor with the story of the ugly duckling, which I’m sure you’re familiar with. The ugly duckling gets born in a group of swans, but doesn’t know, oh, no, it’s not. Rewind, let’s do that again. The ugly duckling gets born in a group of ducks, but is actually a swan, but he doesn’t know he’s a swan. He has a different neck, he talks different, or he quacks differently, I mean, he’s even swimming and in the water differently, and everybody’s sort of laughing at him and giving him a hard time. But that’s just because he is not in the right context, and he doesn’t know that he’s different, so he thinks there’s something wrong with him or her, or whatever gender we want to give the ugly duckling. So what happens is the day that he realizes he’s actually a swan, everything falls into place, and all of a sudden he doesn’t have an issue anymore. It’s not him, it’s his surroundings. I think for a lot of creative generalists, and I want to sort of like break it open a little bit because I think this is, a lot of the traits of creative generalists are shared with entrepreneurs because you find a lot of creative generalists in that group for good reason, because it’s very hard for them to deal with authority, to have other people tell them what to do, to have a lack of freedom in the work they do. That’s why there is a lot of them that you will find in the entrepreneurial group. Of course, a lot of them in the creative group, because that’s also an aspect of creative generalists. One of the things that I think is the most important to understand maybe even foundationally, is there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re just a generalist living in a specialist world, because that’s the world we live in. We live in a world that tells us from the day we were born, you have to choose a career. You have to choose a major, you have to choose the subject, you have to choose a business and generalist, they want to combine. They don’t want to choose. Choosing is losing for them. So to get to, after this long intro, to get to your question about how do they get stuck or what keeps them stuck, I think one of the things that I’ve said is not realizing there is actually nothing wrong with them, because they look for the issue within themselves for a very long time. Then of course, there are a certain number of like specificities that have to do with the way their brain works and with the way that they stand in the world. One of them is that they can get overwhelmed by too many IDs. They overthink very easily, they can be perfectionistic and because of that, they can start to procrastinate. Because if it’s not going to be perfect, why should I even start? They will lack focus sometimes because so many different things are interesting. When they live in a society that tells them you have to choose something, you have to choose something, you have to choose something, when they have a lot of ideas, it becomes really difficult to do anything, because the big fear is what if I choose wrong and what if it doesn’t work? So I think those are a number of the things that keep them stuck. [JOE] So what do you do with that? I mean, I think that we, here, and I’ve taught this a lot, that the riches are in the niches and so if I help, so if I’m really good at helping people that are depressed, that are also entrepreneurs, and they also had a pet die recently, like, I’m going to get a lot of referrals of my exact ideal client. So what should somebody do if they feel like they have this tendency towards wanting to have more diversity in their caseload or in the work that they do? [MURIELLE] Well, one of the things that, so not everything that you are interested in or passionate about needs to make money. I think that’s the first one, because at a certain point, you do need to make certain choices, but a choice doesn’t mean that you’re giving up something forever. The first thing that I try to do when I help somebody with this is to see how many of the interests and the stuff that they find really cool to do, and that lights them up. How many of these things can we combine? Usually in a business, you can combine quite a few things. You were talking about it yourself Joe, when you said like you can learn new things and you’re interested in a lot of things. So I think all entrepreneurs, and especially today, we have to have so many hats on, but that’s not such a bad thing for somebody who’s a generalist, because we do love the different hats. The only thing is we also need to think about what’s our sweet spot? What’s really going to make money here? What is going to sustain us financially? Then to make choices between the things we’re going to focus on, to actually do that and build a business or have a good career and then all of these other pieces and how they can work together and be puzzled into something that works for us. So it’s very much unique work per person, I’d say, because we’re all as generalists, we have a lot of similar traits, but we’re also all very different in what we like and the way that we express that. [JOE] So when creatives are feeling stuck, I know that’s one of the areas that you specialize in, what are some strategies that people can employ to really start to get unstuck, to think differently about the work they do to find that fulfillment in aligning their natural tendencies with the work they do? [MURIELLE] Well being stuck and staying stuck is, after so many years of learning about it and helping people with it, I can say it’s a very complex thing. So there are a lot of things at play. You have psychological aspects, fear, ingrained beliefs, all of that. You have emotional aspects in there. What will other people think? You don’t want to disappoint anyone. Then you have the specifics of the way that we think and the way that we look at the world. That, again, for creatives, especially, if you have a lot of ideas that can actually stop you from doing anything because you get overwhelmed or you procrastinate because you are trying to move a mountain when actually you should just try and take a step. So one of the first things that I do when people come to me and they say they’re completely stuck and they don’t know what to do, because that’s basically what they say, like, I’m stuck. I have these options. I don’t know which one I should take. I don’t know what direction I have to go into. The first thing that I ask them to do is to stop. And there is a few different categories of people coming to me when they’re stuck. You have the ones that have been trying very hard day in and day out to go through to-do lists and continue to build whatever it is they’re building, but they don’t see the purpose of it anymore. They’re not really sure it’s what they want to do. So what happens is they actually don’t do the things they say they’re going to do and that causes a lack of self-trust, because obviously if every day you say, tomorrow, I’ll do it tomorrow, I’ll build the sales page tomorrow, I’ll do cold calls tomorrow, I’ll do all that and every time when tomorrow comes, you’re actually not doing anything, at a certain moment you can still put those to-dos on paper, but you’re not going to trust yourself anymore that you’re actually doing them. For those people, and if anybody’s listening and recognizes that, what I have clients do is actually to go on what I call a to-do list diet, where for a certain amount of time, whether it’s a week, a few weeks, a few days, they don’t have to do anything because it’s the having to that very often keeps people stuck without us even realizing it. That’s the people that have been grinding and trying, and it didn’t work. Then you have another part of the stuck people or the stuck creatives, which is the ones that have too many ideas, and they just don’t, they’re just afraid. They don’t know what to do. So they’re, again, the idea is to stop and pause and first start to think about what’s really important to you. Like there are certain tools and questions that you can ask yourself to figure out what might make you the happiest in all of these choices that you have. Together with that, obviously if I’m working with somebody who is creative, who is an entrepreneur, who is a generalist, look at, okay they’re stuck because they don’t want to choose, but maybe they don’t have to choose. Maybe we can sort of mix and match things so that they can feel unstuck enough to take a few steps and then see if things can mature enough for them to become a new project. So that’s a number of things. Of course, the third one, I think is mindset. All of our limiting beliefs, all of the stuff in our heads, all of the things we tell ourself, and especially the fear that we have of what other people will think if we eventually admit to ourself what it is we really want to do. Because the truth about being stuck is that if you are really, really, really honest with yourself, usually you know what it is you want to do. [BRIGHTER VISION] It’s that time of year again. My friends over at Brighter Vision are once again kicking off the full season with a month-long digital conference event they call Fall Into Cash. For the entire month of September, they’ll be teaming up with the top brands, consultants and coaches in the mental health industry to provide you with the best advice, tools, content, podcasts and giveaways, all centered around one main goal, helping you grow your practice and make more money. Plus, in celebration of the sixth anniversary of Fall Into Cash that are also offering a very special discount exclusively for Practice of the Practice listeners from now until the end of the month, they’re offering $20 per month off of any website service plan for your whole first year plus no sign-up fees. That’s a saving of over $200. For more information and to take advantage of this great offer, head on over to Again, that’s [JOE SANOK] So what should people do after they go through that process? [MURIELLE] Once they have a better idea, what they have to do is they have to experience it. One of the things I always say is, you cannot think yourself into a business or a new career. You actually have to go out and do it. It’s very important, not only because you’re going to build something, but also because your nervous system, needs to feel what it feels like to have you venture on that new path. Because, I don’t know about you, Joe, but for me, whenever I’m trying something, it’s so much easier for me to know stuff I don’t want to do from stuff that I really, really, truly want to do. Like the aversion, when you know that you’re trying something out and you’re like, oh, no, this isn’t it, I think that’s a very clear sensation. It’s a very clear, intuitive sort of hit. Would you agree? [JOE] Yes. [MURIELLE] So that’s why you have to go out and try things. Because it’s only as you are stepping into that new business, as you’re stepping into this career, as you are choosing to niche down, as you’re trying out that you’re going to know whether or not this is what you want to do, and you are continuously learning as you’re moving forward. [JOE] That’s so awesome. I want to make sure we take some time to hear about how you invest in other businesses because I think that, I’ve been active in vacation rentals for a while, active in like the stock market and really learning how to do that well, and buy and hold type strategies but tell me how you think through small businesses that you invest in, or projects, or like, that’s a world I have known nothing about. So tell me about that world. [MURIELLE] Well, I take a lot of my knowledge from Warren Buffet, which I think is one of the most intelligent investors on the planet. I think, and I do the same when it comes to stocks, for instance buying dividend stock and holding them for a long time. I think that’s the, at least for me, it’s a good strategy. But for businesses, of course, I’m sort of at the source. I’ve been a business coach for nine years, and I coached a lot of really awesome creative people with amazing IDs. So a few years back, I started to think that it would be really cool if whenever somebody came to me for advice or for coaching, and they were looking for funding, and I felt like the project was interesting and I could see it work, that I could actually become one of the investors and so that’s how it started. This goes back to what Warren Buffy says about companies you have to invest in. What he says is, you have to do your research. You have to know about who’s leading the company, what people are they, what person, who’s the founder? Is it somebody that’s going to stand tall under pressure? Is it somebody that knows their stuff? Is it somebody you believe in? Then look at the appreciation of the business, what are they trying to build? What are their, what’s their business plan? What’s their financial forecast? How much do you think their business is worth, especially in the beginning. When those things sort of match for me, and I think the product, because I, even though I’m not against investing in services, I’m mostly investing products just because it’s something that I’ve not had in my career for a long time. When I had my web agency, we were building websites and applications, which is completely digital. It’s a product, obviously, but it’s not one you can hold in your hands. As a service provider again, of course I’m offering services, which are products, but you can’t really hold them in your hand. So it was something that I really wanted. I wanted tangible products that I could actually feel and see and touch. So when all of those things are aligned I have conversations with the people that are thinking about building those businesses and if we have a click and a match, then I take a small participation in their businesses. [JOE] So do you have it where you’re investing financially as well as, say, giving them coaching or is it just financial and you’re more of a silent, or do you have some influence or is it case by case? [MURIELLE] Well, of course it’s case by case in the sense that some people need more assistance than others, I think, or want more. But my initial sort of stance is to give people absolute freedom, because I think they know best. It’s their project and product. However, I really want to them to know that I’m always available. As the relationship grows, of course, I mean, they have my cellphone number, they have my email. We see each other regularly. Actually, today I had lunch with one of the founders of a business I invested in. So we just looked at numbers, and so it’s very flowy, but at the same time, I’m certainly present without pressuring anybody [JOE] Now, do you think through a certain number of businesses you want in your portfolio that you have invested in or do you just pick a handful or how do you think through like, how many different businesses you’re going to invest in? [MURIELLE] Well, I think first of course it has to do with finances. So you need to have the funds and you need to have them to invest in those businesses. So it has to do also with the way that my business is doing what my goals are, the other investments that I want to do, because that’s obviously not the only thing that I invest in. But overall, I want to keep it small in the sense that I want to continue to have that very close one-on-one sort of experience. I also am very peculiar about the products that I want to invest in. So they have to, like, they have to tick a number of boxes, and I think that’s maybe even more important than the amount that I would invest in. Because I think it has to do with your values and your morals and where you, how you want to stand in the world, maybe. [JOE] How do you decide when you’re going to exit, when you’re going to cash out or is it you just wait till that owner wants to sell, or they want to buy you out? Have you, I mean, maybe you haven’t had that happen yet. How do you decide your exit plan? [MURIELLE] Well, it hasn’t happened yet since I’ve only been doing it for a few years now. But I think it will depend on, it has to do with growth, what the founder or founders want to do and where the business is heading, obviously. But I look at it again as long-term strategies in a way. I’m not in a hurry, because I also know that building a business takes time and that every time you make a snapshot of a business, it’s really interesting when you launch the business and then one year in, and then three years in, and then five years in, and then maybe 10 years in, like, the situation of a business can be so different at all those touchpoints that it’s really interesting to give businesses a little bit of time to grow and mature. [JOE] I love that idea of letting it grow and mature and not being in any hurry. I think too often in business or investments, people are looking for that. You hear of someone that invested a thousand dollars in crypto, and then the next week it’s a hundred thousand. I mean, yes, there’s those stories, but it’s probably not going to happen to the average person. So I love that idea of just taking that long-term approach and saying, yes, I want to build long-term wealth and a diverse portfolio. I think that’s awesome. The last question I always ask is, if every private practitioner in the world were listening right now, what would you want them to know? [MURIELLE] That’s such a good question and a tough one. What would I want them to know? I would want them to know that there is always a way to get unstuck, always. [JOE] I love that. If people want to connect with you, if they want to work with you, what’s the best way for them to connect with you and your work? [MURIELLE] They can connect with me on Instagram at Murielle Marie, and they can check out my website if they want to. That’s, and those are really easy ways to get in touch with me. [JOE] Wonderful. We’ll have links to all that in the show notes. Murielle, thank you so much for being on the Practice of the Practice podcast. [MURIELLE] It was so wonderful to be here, Joe, and thank you so much for having me. It was a pleasure. [JOE] What an awesome episode. I love the idea of getting unstuck of even just my own learning of getting into potentially investing in other businesses or things like that. It’s just exciting. I have a lot of friends who have sold their businesses or have been acquired by other companies, and it’s fun to see that process and to learn behind the scenes and what went well, what was tough, how involved they stayed after the sell sale. But I haven’t been, I haven’t met too many people that were investors on the other side. So that we could even have that conversation was just exciting for me. We love our sponsors. We’ve got some amazing sponsors. Brighter Vision has been with us for so long. They help therapists to start websites. If you still have an ugly website, there is no reason to have it. For just $59 a month, you can get a Brighter Vision website, plus you’re going to get some free stuff if you go over to, they’re going to give you some free months. They’re going to give you free access to their SocialGenie, which helps you with social media, all sorts of help and support, and hosting all of that for just $59 a month. What a deal. It’s Thank you so much for letting me into your ears and into your brain. Have an amazing day. I’ll talk to you soon. Special thanks to the band Silence is Sexy for your intro music. This podcast is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. This is given with the understanding that neither the host, the producers, the publishers, or the guests are rendering legal, accounting, clinical, or other professional information. If you want a professional, you should find one.

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May 6-7, 2025 | Traverse City, MI

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