In this 4 part series we’re going to talk all about:
- How to slow down
- How to make it a priority
- Why it matters
- What you can do to make things even better to spark innovation in your life and your business
I remember this moment early in my career as a therapist and I was working to grow my private practice and I tried to get on all these insurance panels. I also tried to network and I was working full time for Community Mental Health and at the time I just wanted some clients.
Then things really took off really quickly and I remember being overwhelmed and just crying on the couch with my wife and feeling like so much of the pressure of the world was on my shoulders. I really wanted to be full, I wanted to see so many people but I was so busy. Also, I hadn’t really taken the time to evaluate what I wanted for my life and what happened was I was overwhelmed I wasn’t doing the best work that I could be doing. I wasn’t happy and I just broke down on my couch.
Over the next 4 weeks we’re addressing why it’s essential for you to slow down and how it’s one of the keys for you to be more successful in your business and in your life.
Joseph R. Sanok, MA, LLP, LPC, NCC
Joe Sanok is an ambitious results expert. He is a private practice business consultant and counselor that helps small businesses and counselors in private practice to increase revenue and have more fun! He helps owners with website design, vision, growth, and using their time to create income through being a private practice consultant. Joe was frustrated with his lack of business and marketing skills when he left graduate school. He loved helping people through counseling, but felt that often people couldn’t find him. Over the past few years he has grown his skills, income, and ability to lead others, while still maintaining an active private practice in Traverse City, MI. To link to Joe’s Google+ .