Compared with last month this month’s income is a bit down, but looking at the months prior, I think I am gaining some momentum! I am having more folks sign up for my members e-newsletter. Honestly, this month I felt like a bit of a slacker at the private practice and with this website. I have not been motivated to complete the podcast, that should have come out last week. It’s not that I don’t care or I want to let you down, it’s just that at the end of the day I am so tired. Feel free to watch the video to see what I’ve been doing:
As you can see, sailing all day, keeping kids safe, and being outside may have taken a bit of my energy away. Also, I went to the Michigan Counseling Association meeting (which meant driving all day) and I attended an ethics training. All of this meant fewer clients in my private practice, less energy to work on the website and more of a desire to just BBQ on the weekend.
With that said, I’m very happy that a “slacker” month created as much income as it did. In fact, this is the second month in a row that my “part time” work has brought in more than my full time work! That’s pretty darn amazing.
Why I do this
Because some folks are new, I always put this part in. As you probably know, I work a full time job and do a bunch of other things to build passive income, active income, and generally try and help people improve their lives. I’ve been doing these income reports since September 2012. If you are new to the website, I do this for a number of reasons:
1. So you know exactly where I make money. That way, you don’t have to wonder if I’m full of crap, if you can trust me, or if you can learn something. My hope is that you trust me and that through that you’re more likely to get involved, possibly follow an affiliate link, or purchase something.
2. So as to inspire you. So often, we think that our incomes have an upper limit that is determined by someone else. When we have control of that upper limit, there is something really refreshing about that.
3. To hold myself accountable. I’m not always the best with book-keeping and monitoring where and how I make money. This forces me to keep better track of my goals and outcomes. I’m actually getting a lot better.
Thank you for signing up for hosting through Blue Host, clicking on my occasional Google advertisement, and other affiliate links.
Here are links to my past earning reports:
June Happenings
The podcast continues to grow and outrank the American Counseling Association! I’ve got some great ones coming up soon.
I had some significant consulting gigs continue. At some point I hope to give you more details, but the client has not given me permission.
Launched my LLPC Supervision group in Traverse City, MI.
How YOU can kick your business into high gear.
Here is why I have liked my website model:
1. I don’t have to know code
2. I can change very quickly by adding plug-ins and widgets
3. I can improve my SEO without paying someone.
4. It’s cheap compared to most other models of website design.
Anyone who goes through my Bluehost I will link it with NameCheap and WordPress. This is one way that I continue to try and expand ways to serve readers. I have been talking with readers and they have told me that the most frustrating part is linking it all together. Also, Bluehost just changed things up a bit, so it’s a bit harder.
June 2013 Earning Report
What I’m going to be reporting and what I’m not going to be reporting
Full-time Job: Since some of you are new and some of you have been around Practice of the Practice for a while, I’m going to give a quick summary of where I make income. My full-time job is at a community college as a counselor. I love the job and it gives me great opportunities. Also, since my wife stays home with our daughter it is an income we can count on, health insurance, a pension, and a really great environment! I’m not going to disclose my full-time wages there, since it is not something that is part of my private practice.
Private Practice: I do 3-8 sessions a week in my private practice. I don’t take insurance, so it is private-pay. As a result, I don’t have many expenses in time or actual money. Included in my consulting (not my private practice money) is time I spend doing supervision for LLPCs (Limited Licensed Professional Counselors), a 100 hour requirement in Michigan.
Passive Income: The term “passive” makes it sound like I don’t have to do work. What I mean is money that I make that is not in direct exchange for my time. I will outline what these are under each item.
How I made money in June 2013
Disclosure: many of the links below are affiliate links that will earn me a commission if you purchase through them. If you do, I really appreciate it and if you have any questions about any of the products or services please contact me! Also, if you don’t have a good experience with them, I want to know that too.
Counseling, consulting, and useful products
Private Practice (12 sessions) $1,960
Other counselors, I have a counselor that works for my practice and I get a portion of what is brought in: $473.80
Paperwork Packet: $91.94
Consulting and LLPC Supervision: $1,714.67
E-books: $74.14
Practice of the Practice | A Start-up Guide to Launching a Counseling Private Practice
The Ten-minute Toddler Turnaround | Improving Sleep: Changing your toddler’s sleep health in ten-minutes.
Mental Wellness Parenting | A remarkably simple approach to making parenting easier
Launch Your Practice Newsletter: This newsletter helps folks with struggling or new private practices to learn how to go from no practice to a thriving one in one year. 200% money-back guarantee! $117.77
Affiliate Marketing:
BlueHost Referrals $0
Amazon Affiliate Referrals $2.26
NameCheap Referrals: $28.95
Google Ads $7.76
LegalZoom: $0
June 2013 total: $4,471.29
For the past 5 months my goals was to reach $3,000, I can’t believe I have continued to surpass that goal. It is only through you choosing to work with me, you finding my products valuable, and you telling your friends about this website!
Will you like this on Facebook, Google+ or Pin it?
May 2013 total: $6,022.91
April 2013 total: $2,116.96
March 2013 total: $2,476.92
February 2013 total: $2,685.12
January 2013 total: $2,707.09
December 2012 total: $2,287.97
November 2012 total: $1,219.18
Some of the numbers from Google Ads, Amazon, NameCheap, and my e-books will not be paid until they reach a certain amount or 60-90 days after the sale. I report what has been sold in the month it was sold. Also, I do not take expenses off of this report.
Joseph R. Sanok, MA, LLP, LPC, NCC is blown away by all of the people enjoying and growing through his blog, Practice of the Practice. He also does counseling in Traverse City, MI at Mental Wellness Counseling. Also, he is the author of Mental Wellness Parenting | A remarkably simple approach to making parenting easier. To link to Joe’s Google+ .
Thank you carloscredi for the mind-blowing photo.