In the month of July we had a look at whether or not you should use your own name in your counseling practice. We gave you some great tips on the mindsets you need to master during the scaling phase of your practice. Not only this, but we also discussed strategies within the growth phase of your practice. Some phenomenal guests were featured on the podcast and repurposed content from the live Q&A which takes place in Next Level Practice.
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Should You Use Your Own Name in Your Counseling Business Name?
If you know that you just want to do counseling yourself, and you don’t want to ever have a group practice, that you will never do it and you are certain on that, then I’d say just do it as your name. But, there are a lot of reasons why you should have it be a name that’s not just you. If you ever want to move away from being in the chair as much, it’s a lot harder. People want to see you, they want to see the person whose name is on the side. They may pay more for that, but it’s a lot harder to pivot out of that role.
Five Business Development Ideas Within The Scaling Phase of Practice
During the scaling phase there’s a number of things that you need to do, but the first thing is five mindsets that you need to master:
- Remove hats
- Replace yourself
- Automate your marketing
- Understand lifetime value of a customer
- De-emphasize yourself
Three Business Development Strategies Within the Growth Phase of Private Practice
The growth phase of your practice is from that $40,000 to $100,000 range. There’s three specific things that you need to do so that you can master this phase and move on to the scaling phase:
- Your ideal client
- Content that attracts them
- Networking with people that will bring that ideal client in
How to Grow Fast and Leave your Full Time Job with Lindsey Huttner I PoP 309
In this episode, Lindsey Huttner talks about how she started her private practice on the side, three and a half years ago while she was working full time. She then eventually decided to leave her full time job and make her private practice her main focus. With the help of Practice of the Practice worksheet, Lindsey was able to work out how she could work towards her goal of working for herself.
Kim Parker on Having a Part-Time Private Practice and a Full-Time Job I PoP 310
Kim Parker talks about how she is running a part-time practice whilst working a full-time job. She shares her story of how she juggles the two roles and how joining Next Level Practice gave her the support she needs whilst maintaining a positive outlook as she works towards her big goal.
Networking That Is Not Slimy With Theresa Leskowat I PoP 311
In this episode, Joe speaks to Theresa Leskowat about how she is building her business by networking and getting rid of the bad stigmas attached to networking. She also shares some tips on how networking can bring in clients.
Jennifer DiGennaro got Seven Clients in Her First Month I PoP 312
Jennifer DiGennaro elaborates further on how she was able to get seven clients during her first month of practice and how she worked her way up to this point.
When To Leave A Full-Time Job With Patrick Schultz I PoP 313
PatrickSchultz speaks about how he is still currently working towards his dream of being able to move into practice full-time. In four months Patrick has gone from having a handful of clients to now adding clinicians to his practice. This will set him up for being able to leave his full-time job.
Joanne Kim On The Six Steps To Start A Private Practice I PoP 314
Joanne Kim outlines six crucial steps you have to take to start a private practice. She also talks about her journey to starting her own private practice and the dreams she has accomplished.
John Israel aka Mr. Thank You, Wrote Five Thank You Cards A, Day For A Year I PoP 315
John Israel speaks about how and why he wrote 5 thank you cards a day, for a year. Once John found out his ‘why’, he thought about elevating his level of gratitude on the planet and how he would go about doing it. He delves further into his experiences and positive life changing moments which transformed not only his life but those around him too.
Marissa Lawton On Marketing Through Influencers I PoP 316
In this podcast Marissa Lawton lays out a few key rules regarding social media marketing and dispenses some handy tips for marketing through influencers. She also includes a free workbook on content media marketing.
Before You Go…
- Personal Versus Business Listing on Psychology Today
Q&A was part of Next Level Practice, the most supportive community for therapists starting a private practice. In this video, Joe answers the question based on whether you should have a personal or business listing on Psychology Today. - How to Market Your Private Practice Online
Q&A was part of Next Level Practice, the most supportive community for therapists starting a private practice. In this video, Joe answers the question based on how to market your private practice online. - Content Audit For Local SEO
A website audit consists of looking at every aspect and every page you have, with an eye toward what search engines are looking for when they index and rank sites, especially searches for local results. This article includes some important tips which you can use. - How do You Network?
Networking is just meeting people. It’s carrying on conversations, which is exactly what we do every single day when people come in to counseling sessions with us. Q&A was part of Next Level Practice, the most supportive community for therapists starting a private practice. In this video, Joe answers the question based on how to network. - When do You Know You’re Ready to Add a Clinician to Your Practice?
Q&A was part of Next Level Practice, the most supportive community for therapists starting a private practice. In this video, Joe answers the question based on when you know whether you’re ready to add a clinician to your practice. - What is Involved in Adding a 1099 to Your Practice?
Q&A was part of Next Level Practice, the most supportive community for therapists starting a private practice. In this video, Joe answers the question based on what is involved in adding a 1099 to your practice. - Can You Work Full-Time While Building a Group Practice
Q&A was part of Next Level Practice, the most supportive community for therapists starting a private practice. In this video, Joe answers the question based on whether you can work full-time while building a group practice. - How do You Network With ‘Cold’ Contacts?
Q&A was part of Next Level Practice, the most supportive community for therapists starting a private practice. In this video, Joe answers the question based on how to network with cold contacts. - Bumping Into Ego-States In Working With Trauma
So you’ve been working with a client for some time and they have been relating to you fairly easily and pleasantly until you bring up a certain topic or issue, then their face suddenly changes or there is a marked change in their voice or demeanor. This is a key concept of trauma-informed care to recognize that this may be what is happening. - Exercise To Create And Understand Your Brand Persona
This article goes through an exercise that will help you get into the mind of your ideal client and understand your brand persona. - When and How to Work On Your Business Ideas
When you have so many ideas and things to do, you have to prioritise in order to work towards your goal. This article takes you through a process which will help you identify what you need to work on before moving on to your big idea. - In-Session Time Management
Q&A was part of Next Level Practice, the most supportive community for therapists starting a private practice. In this video, Joe answers the question based on how to manage time in-session. - How to Get the Most Out of Vacation
Ever gone on vacation and come back home feeling more tired than when you left? This article takes a look at how you can get the most out of your vacation.