Our Top 10 YouTube Videos for 2019 Thus Far

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Which phase of practice are you in? Starting? Growing? Maybe you’re scaling? I know that whichever phase of practice you’re in there are always tons of questions you need answers to and it’s not always as easy as a Google result away.

With nearly 2000 subscribers and over 280 videos published on YouTube, we are committed to sharing with you innovative ideas to start, grow and scale your private practice.

The Practice of the Practice YouTube channel covers a variety of topics from setting your business rates to how to start a group practice. We have curated specific playlists dependent on what your focus is.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 videos on our channel for 2019 thus far!

10. How to Take Insurance in Private Practice

Insurance within private practice has always been a talking point, if not an issue of confusion. Whether it’s trying to figure out the insurance law, or insurance accounting, insurance basic knowledge is often lacking for private practice owners.

9. Jaime Masters Wants You To Be A Millionaire

For you to live your best life as an entrepreneur, you have to dream big, get outside of your comfort zone and take action. Daily, you should adopt these millionaire success habits, have a millionaire mindset and live that entrepreneur lifestyle you dream of.

8. How to Start a Group Practice

There are a few things you need to consider before starting a group practice: How do you want to be as a boss, what kind of culture do you want to create, what is your flow of phone calls, singular niche versus complementary group practice.

7. Allison Puryear Networked with 90 People in 90 Days

Networking can be intimidating but it can also be exactly the thing your business needs! In this episode, we speak about networking and share some networking tips and go over some networking fundamentals so that you can utilize this very powerful tool to grow your business and gain more referrals.

6. Getting Things Done with David Allen

David Allen’s Getting Things Done provides a step-by-step guide on how to streamline any task and become more efficient in everything you do.

5. How To Fill Out An Insurance Claim Form

Alison Pidgeon, consultant with Practice of the Practice, teaches counselors how to plan, start, and grow a private practice. How to evaluate when to take insurance, and the step-by-step plan for taking insurance in private practice.

4. How To Upload Audio To Facebook

Wonder how to upload audio to Facebook? How to upload MP3 to Facebook? You can’t load it directly, but this work around is great for audio, MP3, podcasts, or and other teaching.

3. 9 Marketing Tips for Private Practice

A webinar about marketing a private practice with Joe Sanok, Allison Puryear, and Jane Carter. Private practice consultants that rock!

2. 17 Tips for 2017 to Plan, Start, And Grow A Private Practice

How do you plan a private practice? How do counselors start a private practice? What does private practice growth look like? Joe Sanok discusses 17 steps to make the best private practice in 2017.

1. How to Start A Private Practice In One Day for $200

In this video I discuss how to start a private practice in one day and we cover topics such as:

1. How to pay for rent only when you need an office. How to sublease an office. How to rent an office by the hour.

2. Is Legal Zoom good to use? Limited Liability Company definition. Ways to file legal paperwork for counseling private practices.

3. How to set up a phone for a private practice. How to set up an online telephone options. How to determine the best business phone solution.

4. How to set up a website. How to launch a website. Best counseling website design. Is Bluehost the best?

5. Best business cards for counseling private practice. Best sizes for business cards. Business card ideas.

Joseph R. Sanok, MA, LLP, LPC, NCC

joe-sanok-private-practice-consultant-headshot-smaller-versionJoe Sanok is an ambitious results expert. He is a private practice business consultant and counselor that helps small businesses and counselors in private practice to increase revenue and have more fun! He helps owners with website design, vision, growth, and using their time to create income through being a private practice consultant. Joe was frustrated with his lack of business and marketing skills when he left graduate school. He loved helping people through counseling but felt that often people couldn’t find him. Over the past few years, he has grown his skills, income, and ability to lead others, while still maintaining an active private practice in Traverse City, MI. To link to Joe’s Google+

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May 6-7, 2025 | Traverse City, MI

Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or looking to scale, the Group Practice Boss Conference 2025 is your chance to unlock the strategies, tools, and connections that will transform your practice.