Sabrina Runbeck on Creating an Ideal Schedule to Prevent Burnout | FP 66

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How do you differentiate between what is necessary to achieve goals and what is simply fun to do? When you are losing traction and focus in your days, how can you reconnect with your guiding passion? Can you refresh and restart your day halfway through?

In this podcast episode, Whitney Owens speaks with Sabrina Runbeck about creating an ideal schedule to prevent burnout.

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While there may still be a lot of uncertainty about what this year will have in store, there’s one thing we know for sure – your services as a therapist have never been more essential, making it the perfect time to ensure that your private practice website attracts your best-fit clients and gets them to call you.

Whether you’re a seasoned clinician with a website in need of a refresh, or you’re fresh out of school needing your very first therapist website, Brighter Vision is the perfect solution. During the month of January, they’re running their biggest sale of the year!

From now, until the end of the month, they’re completely waiving all setup fees and only charging $39/month for your entire first year of a new website! Head on over to to learn more.

Meet Sabrina Runbeck

After overcoming burnout and feeling stuck in a career that drained her, she became an International Peak Performance Speaker empowering young professionals to find their voice and overcome the stress of their personal and professional expectations. This allows them to reconnect with their passion, contribute positively to their organizations, and become influential in their fields without feeling overwhelmed, underappreciated, or undervalued!

That’s why people call her the Queen of Performance and Productivity.

She hosts the Powerful and Passionate Healthcare Professionals Podcast, has been featured on KevinMD, and is an author of an upcoming book, Asian Women who BossUp.

She also regularly shares insights on Instagram for her audience and has spoken on numerous stages such as Speakers Pathway Coalition, Practice of the Practice, and Work from Your Happy Place.

Visit her website and connect with him on FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn. Listen to her podcast here.

In This Podcast

  • Sabrina’s 3-step system on how to begin making changes
  • Do you feel overwhelmed?
  • Sabrina’s advice to Christian counselors

Sabrina’s 3-step system on how to begin making changes

  • Redefine your motivation: By doing this, you can identify what your value system is, and what your deeper passion or motivation is. This outlines which aspects of your day are non-negotiable and which things are just simply good or fun to do, and you can use this as a guide in making decisions and drawing up boundaries for the proper use of your time for your goals.
  • Build mental immunity: Building your mental immunity means being able to train your mind to move out of a place where you react, towards a place where you can calmly respond to situations around you.

When we build mental immunity, it’s not just about identifying what doesn’t work, it’s also about how to quickly pivot into a state of positivity, or at least a neutral state where we are no longer so hot-headed. (Sabrina)

It is the ability to calm your mind and it is exercised, like any other muscle, through repetition and making the right, or better, choices. The more you build mental immunity, the more you can recognize issues to solve instead of blaming yourself or others around you. By not maintaining mental immunity or strength, your thoughts run away with you and you can swing back and forth between negative attitudes.

  • Take micro-mental vacations: By taking these mini-vacations, you are able to boost your productivity and get out of a mental rut.

Without the right energy, productivity means nothing, because we can learn all these hacks and systems and then go back to the basics. But, if you’re already exhausted are you actually going to do the work to plan your day for the next? (Sabrina Runbeck)

The way to take micro-vacations is to be intentional, by allowing yourself to stop between clients to give yourself a mental boost. When you do not create space between clients or daily tasks, their burdens combine and become heavier and heavier throughout the day.

The same thing applies to bringing work home into your family. Be present when you arrive home or arrive at work to get your mind into, and afterward out of, the frame of mind you need to be in.

By taking a moment to do short breathing sessions, stretching exercises, practicing visualization, and focusing on one of your senses, you can give your mind a break and refresh your motivation for the next thing on the to-do list.

Do you feel overwhelmed?

Sabrina Runbeck discusses that most of the professionals that she counsels feel burnout or overwhelmed in their daily jobs or routines because they feel that they are underappreciated, or undervalued.

You can support yourself in this, and recognize your own successes too. Give yourself space and energy when you feel that you need it and try to minimize only seeking validation from the outside.

Want to stay energized and focused even if your day is filled with patients and your schedule is crazy? Grab the FREE AUDIO here

Take this FREE quiz here to discover weaknesses that might be preventing you from achieving your goals.

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Meet Whitney Owens

Photo of Christian therapist Whitney Owens. Whitney helps other christian counselors grow faith based private practices!Whitney is a licensed professional counselor and owns a growing group practice in Savannah, Georgia. Along with a wealth of experience managing a practice, she also has an extensive history working in a variety of clinical and religious settings, allowing her to specialize in consulting for faith-based practices and those wanting to connect with religious organizations.

Knowing the pains and difficulties surrounding building a private practice, she started this podcast to help clinicians start, grow, and scale a faith-based practice. She has learned how to start and grow a successful practice that adheres to her own faith and values. And as a private practice consultant, she has helped many clinicians do the same.

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Podcast Transcription

[WHITNEY OWEN]: Well, we did it. 2020 has finally come to an end and we have made it out on the other side. And while there’s still maybe be a lot of uncertainty about what this year we’ll have in store, there’s one thing we know for sure, your services as a therapist have never been more essential, making it the perfect time to ensure your private practice website attracts your best fit clients and gets them to call you. Whether you’re a seasoned clinician with a website in need of a refresh or you’re fresh out of school needing your very first therapist website, Brighter Vision is the perfect solution. And during the entire month of January, they’re running their biggest sale of the year. From now until the end of the month, they’re completely waiving all setup fees and only charging $39 a month for the entire first year of a new website. That’s a savings of $240 for your first year of website service with brighter Vision. All you have to do is go to, to learn more and take advantage of this great deal. That’s
I just love the timing of today’s episode because I recorded this couple of months ago with Sabrina Runbeck and she did a fabulous job talking about burnout and self-care. And now that we’re right here into the year, just seeing that there is such a need for us to take care of ourselves, not only with the political climate that’s going on and what’s going on with COVID. We are hearing so much from our clients, even these first few weeks of 2021. Not only am I feeling that overwhelmed feeling when I’m sitting with my clients, it’s just a lot to hold onto for them. And then I’m seeing that with my employees, too, that clients, they’re carrying a lot of burdens and they’re coming to us to hold that space for them as we meet with them. And so, it is more important now than ever that we, as therapists are taking care of ourselves.
And so we’ll kind of talk about that in the episode, what that looks like and managing your schedule in such a way that you do make time to take care of yourself. And so, whatever that ends up being, make it something for you. I find that I feel refreshed and renewed when I spend time with people and COVID has made that terribly difficult, but I’ve gotten to a rhythm with a couple of ladies in the neighborhood that we get together by a fire pit outside a couple of times a month, just to be able to see someone, to be able to talk to one another. And even though I’m socializing, there’s just a refreshment that comes with that. And that’s important to me.
I also find a lot of refreshment when I run. It’s a way for me to get out of the house and take care of myself. And then me and my daughter, sometimes we do little spa days at home where we rub each other’s feet and paint each other’s nails. And that’s another way that I do some self care here at home. So, as you listen to this episode, I do want to challenge you to really think about yourself care and what it is, even if it’s just one thing that you can start doing for yourself, because we give much to our clients. It’s important that we take care of ourselves. And just to add to that, we all know that therapy is awesome, but a lot of times we as therapists, don’t take advantage of the importance of therapy for ourselves. So, want to encourage you if you’re listening and you’re also thinking like, “Yeah, I am doing these self-care tips, but I need more,” then consider getting a therapist or consider finding a consultant to help you manage your business if your business is overwhelming you too much.
Also for those of you that have been following the podcast for a little while, if you’re not a part of the Faith in Practice Facebook group, I really want to encourage you to go online and join that Facebook community. It is a free community of people that listen to this podcast, of practice owners that are making faith a part of their lives. And I’m teaching you within that community, how to grow, how to challenge each other, encouraging things to one another. And I occasionally do Facebook lives and give information. So, we’d love to have you be a part of that. And if you are a part of that already, please invite other people because I want to continue to help faith-based practice owners change the world.
I mean, we are meeting with our clients, we want to offer good clinical care and also in a place where God is a part of the work that we do. So, the more and more we can do that, the better. Anyway, I’m looking forward to this interview with Sabrina. I met her at Killin’It Camp, a virtual event, actually, and as some of us kind of frown at the idea of more virtual events, at the same time, you can build some pretty cool relationships through virtual stuff. And we’re learning that right now. So, I want to encourage you to get involved in virtual events, even if sometimes you’re kind of tired of it. It’s also a really great way to make some awesome connections. So, I really enjoyed meeting her and having her on the show and I was on her podcast as well and you’ll hear more about that in the episode. So, let’s jump right in here with Sabrina, Runbeck on Creating an Ideal Schedule to Prevent Burnout,
Today on the Faith in Practice podcast, I have Sabrina Runbeck. After overcoming burnout and feeling stuck in a career that was draining her, she became an international peak performance speaker, empowering young professionals to find their voice and overcome the stress of their personal and professional expectations. This allows them to reconnect with their passion, contribute positively to other organizations and their organization, and become influential in their fields without feeling overwhelmed, underappreciated, or undervalued. That’s why people call her the queen of performance and productivity. She has the Powerful and Passionate Healthcare Professionals Podcast, has been featured on Kevin MD and is the author of an upcoming book, Asian Women Who BossUp. She also regularly shares insights on Instagram for her audience and has spoken on numerous stages, such as Speakers Pathway Coalition, Practice of the Practice and Work from Your Happy Place.
Thanks for coming on Sabrina.
[SABRINA RUNBEC…: Yeah. Thanks so much for having me. Thanks everyone for listening in today.
[WHITNEY OWENS]: And I thought it was kind of reading your bio and thinking about our conversation before we got going. You’re also about to be on ABC. Is that what you had said or?
[SABRINA]: Yeah, I’ll be on ABC, the Your California Life Segment on November 9th.
[WHITNEY]: That’s awesome. Well, we’ll have this podcast go out in December, but you all can go back and find her on that. So, you’re doing some cool stuff. So, I met Sabrina at Killin’It Camp virtual conference, and I know sometimes we feel like, “Oh virtual? That’s so awkward, weird,” but like, it’s hard to meet people, but honestly it went so awesome. And that was my first like big conference that I attended and we met virtually and I heard her talk and I was like, “Oh my gosh, she’s so cool. I love what she’s saying. It’s resonating with me. I have to have her on the podcast.” So, that’s why we’re doing this today.
[SABRINA]: Yeah, I know. Now everyone is pivoting to virtual. I think it’s a great platform where you don’t have to technically leave your comfort of your home or just like you guys. You’ve found a little beautiful house in the mountains just to chill out for a few days, get away with things and totally immerse yourself, just that listening part and engaging. Online has been great, if you want to use it for rebuilding your mind, empowering yourself, or you can be super distracted. It just, we have to know what we’re using it for.
[WHITNEY]: Oh yeah. Well, for me, I totally had to get away with the quarantine, little kiddos at home and three days of a conference. I was like, “I’ve got to focus on this.” And so, yeah, I did get away to the mountains for a few days with a dear friend who met me halfway. So, that was really cool. So, Sabrina, why don’t you share with us a little bit about your journey from yeah, to where you are today?
[SABRINA]: Yeah, appreciate giving me the chance. So, let me take you back a few years. It was barely eight o’clock in the morning and I’m already exhausted because I was the one who had the beeper and being on call the night before. And anybody else out there, probably some of you working in the hospital system, some in private, well, we were still having to have our beeper. I woke up, also was the 101 degree fever and those wouldn’t have been so bad if I was the one who’s off call. I was still in the hospital, was my hands inside a patient’s chest for his open heart surgery.
And now I’m typically just always going and chatting. And my nurse that day noticing I was hardly speaking, I’m just staring at a patient trying to get done. So, they took pity on me and keep passing DayQuil and cough tabs under my mask just to keep me going. Of course, those are, band-aids only lasting me for that few cases that I had that day. And when I woke up the next morning, I was covered with sweat, could not get out of bed even. So, that’s why I had to admit to myself, “My girl, you can’t do it all now. Right? It just have to take a break today.” So, I finally call my manager, but then the response I got was, “Oh, you can’t tell me this earlier? Don’t make a habit out of this.” So, that’s the first time I felt that, “Wow, no matter how much we’re doing, we’re just seeing as someone by the numbers, by a productivity. We actually value our patients, or our clients; think about how to advocate for them during needs,.
We always use patient first, but we’re not using any value of respect, advocacy for ourselves or even our coworkers because we always parked self last. And that’s why I had to go back to really my route, which is in neuroscience and public health, where I did study stress management, self efficacy, and self care to increase that performance, to get beyond just our basic and of course, learning from different peak performance, positive psychologists, neuroscientists, to really come up with a simple system that all of us deserve to get back in love with the career that we pick because all of us in medicine or even any professional, took so many years to get our degree. So, many additional years training and gain experience and we deserve to love it. We deserve to enjoy everything and truly be in the place of flow and when we are able to tap into all different key components of life.
[WHITNEY]: Oh yeah. That was a powerful story that you just shared. And I think a lot of practice owners probably can relate in some way where there was a time in our lives where we knew we probably shouldn’t be working or we were pushing ourselves too hard. I just talked to someone the other day, who was talking about all the things she was doing. And she said, “I know I’m going to break eventually.” And I’m like, “Wow, like we can all look back and say, there was a time we were going to break and we kept pushing forward. So, I really appreciate you sharing that story.” So, were you in medical school becoming a doctor and then made a transition in your career? I’m curious about that.
[SABRINA]: I am a heart and lung surgery PA and at the time I was as, say someone who just had one year under her belt. So, I’m the type of person even before I graduated PA school, I had three jobs lined up and just never really stopped. Even between all my masters, I just kept going one after another. So, I think a lot of us are in that round feeling like we have to prove to ourselves, we have to just build our CV. Work hard, you’re young, you’re fine. And until a certain point, then we’ll be happier. But we’re so focused on getting that some type of goal, which actually just means goal, not a future paced ideal goal. So, we’ll keep driving for, “Oh, after this shift, maybe I’ll take a break and maybe I’ll get another degree so that I can become a leader.” No, we don’t need to do all that. We have to enjoy today, enjoy the process and have a clear end goal. Otherwise we have no aims in life.
[WHITNEY]: So, all these things sound really good, but how do we make these changes? So, how do you work with people to kind of get them to realize this and actually make a change in their lives?
[SABRINA]: There are also the quick way and the slow way, right? And one thing that I always default back on is my simple three-step system. So, number one is to redefine your motivation, now really understanding what your tendencies are, what your value systems are and what really are the things that become non-negotiable for you versus things that are just simply good to do. In life, there are so many things that are bombarding us, our only expectation, other people’s expectations. When things are just adding on to each other, we keep saying yes to all those things. That really means you’re saying no to the things that truly matter to you. So, if we go back to the drawing board, we have that ideal lifestyle. That’s the first question I ask everyone who I meet and my clients. What does that look like for you? That incorporates how you want to live. How do you want to show up in the world professionally and personally? And what does that mean as a person, your character, your spirituality? How secure you want to fill your furnace? What does the bigger picture look like? Then we can reverse engineer into all different passive life
[WHITNEY]: I love that you’re bringing that up. I see this with consulting all the time. When I do my first call with someone like a pre-consultant call, just to figure out if consulting is going to fit for them, I have some pretty basic questions I ask. And one of them is like, “How many clients do you want to see? How much money do you actually need to make? And what kind of schedule do you actually want to have?” And I’m amazed how many people have not thought about those questions. Like they just kind of are like, “I’ll see whoever, you know, as many clients as call or I got to take them when I can get them, or what is my schedule? Well, my schedule is whenever someone calls and needs to be seen. And if that means Monday at seven or Wednesday at seven in the morning, then that’s what I’m going to do.” And so, what you’re saying is so important and for listeners to just take that one tip, and I think it’s a good tip for us to redefine on a very regular basis, because like you said, we can get so invested in our practices, especially with group practice owners that we kind of lose ourselves and what was it that we were actually working towards and having to go back and redefine that.
[SABRINA]: Yeah, it was so perfectly said, and even doing our summit, one of the free gift I give to people, it is that weekly alignment burned out prevention, worksheet. And many people took on that because they know if we’re not able to just give ourselves, right, it’s me time. And you deserve that. You deserve that once a week on the Sunday, grab your favorite favor, drink, liquor, or tea or coffee and work on yourself and define what is your top three priority. Priority is really just small amount. It’s not like I have 10 things I have to do. No, you don’t have to do anything. If the things are truly going to move needles in your life, they become non-negotiable. And then we have a guidance in our life, in the rest of the week really. Anything else that come to you that do not align with your value system and your non-negotiable things to do, things to automatically know, you don’t have to apologize. You don’t have to explain. And it’s a no.
[WHITNEY]: Hmm. I love that. I love how you suggest doing Sundays. Like if it’s Sunday or whatever day it is, that it’s a regular moment that you kind of set aside for yourself to do that. And I’ve even heard another podcast about the importance of not only kind of doing that for your personal life and your business, but also your family. Like what are the things as a family that we’re working towards and what do we need to say no and yes to?
[SABRINA]: Yeah, exactly. Perfect. Even in my worksheet, one of the component is that what is a self care activity you want us to focus on this week and who are the people you might want us to connect to this week and that will either elevate your skills or simply deepen that relationship because connection in anything, personal or professional, that’s what moves us forward.
[WHITNEY]: Oh yeah. Especially if you’re an extrovert like me. I actually find, sometimes I find relaxation in being with people. It’s wonderful. All right. So, the first one was the prioritizing. What is the second step here?
[SABRINA]: Second thing is to build our mental immunity. Now we know physical immunity is great for our disease prevention. It really keeps us in motion and moving, good for cardiovascular, all this good stuff. Now, mental immunity is the same thing. It’s just like a muscle that we’re building. I believe, and the audience we’re with know this very deeply. And also when we build mental immunity, it’s not just about identifying what doesn’t work. It’s also about how can we quickly pivot ourselves into a state of positivity or at least a neutral state so we’re no longer so hot headed. Just like you’re saying about some of your clients. Well, I’m not sure when people come to me, I’ll deal with it. If things happen, that I’ll deal with it. Then you’re always in a reacting mode instead of responding. We want it to be so prepared through these smaller exercises so then you know exactly, “Okay, these are my sabotaging tendencies. While if I write a nice thing then? Now, I’m not going to blame myself. I’m not going to judge myself for doing this anymore. Or I’m not criticizing myself. Now I’m in a state of simply responding and solving the problem. I’m become my own resourceful person.”
[WHITNEY]: Yeah. So, it’s kind of like a muscle. As we work out and grow, then we kind of grow our mental muscle at the same time.
[SABRINA]: Exactly. That’s it? And it’s not something we can just do one time, right? Like judgment. One of the biggest [inaudible 00:19:33] of all times, not only we judge ourselves, “Oh, you didn’t see enough patient today or what’s wrong with you? Oh my goodness. You didn’t call those 10 potential clients of yours? Oh, you wanted to take a break? You don’t deserve that.” Like we start having these negativities or feeling like if we put ourselves down or if we’re just tough on ourselves, we put a positive spin even. If we’re tough on ourselves, then that will make sure we get things done. But actually no, if you already did the weekly alignment, knowing what becomes non-negotiable and then what? 10, so things, in exact time. You have to do this X moment of half hour, an hour. That’s the only thing you’re allowed. We know productivity really is a short burst and we have to be intentional about that.
[WHITNEY]: That’s so true. So, what do we have for number three here?
[SABRINA]: So, number three is to take micro mental vacations for us to reboot our productivity. Without the right energy productivity means nothing because we can learn all these hacks and systems and then go back to the basics. Well, if you’re already exhausted, are you actually going to do the work to plan your day for the next day? Probably not. The way to take micro vacation is be intentional. I think I mentioned this even on our special QA session doing our summit; is that how can we separate ourselves from one patient to the next? Is it allow ourselves to just stop, have the boundary, give our patient even telemedicine, show a green card thing, yellow card, red card, so they know time is still counting down? And now you’re setting some boundaries. Now, once you’re done, you do these two minute mental reboot session. So, then you’re refreshed, more focused, and then you set a new intention for your next client.
The reason we’re doing this is because we don’t want to carry that burden and then whatever happened from one client to the next one. We also don’t want to carry whatever happened in our career into our family, because we want our family just to simply feel love. We pay attention to them. We’re present to them instead of talking about all the things that doesn’t, what didn’t go right in our professional life. So, these exercises are incorporating breathing, visualization and also highlighting one of your five senses.
[WHITNEY]: I would say it’s even a greater challenge with tele-health and I love the example you gave with the cards because I think some clients would do really well, especially kids with that technique. But yeah, with the telehealth, I get really stuck just sitting here, staring at a computer screen in the same room, looking at the same things, you know, and yeah, I have to do what you just said. I usually go outside actually kind of engage those senses, like a little sense overload. I guess you’d say to kind of bring me back and then refresh me for the next client.
[SABRINA]: Yeah, exactly. You figure out what works for you, right? Whether it’s that quick walk around or a stretching exercise. Even yawning has been shown to significantly reduce the mental chatter in our brain because it decreases blood flow for our prefrontal cortex. And we know that’s where the cognition, intelligence, processing, analyzing part our brain. If we force blood flow to go down, of course we shut down these creepy thoughts from bombarding our mind. Something that I also teach people is that, we can actually do it here if we have time, but otherwise people can grab a free audio to try themselves at home or at work where you can just go to So, these exercises, you can do it again anywhere and you pull yourself in both a quick breathing exercise. So, now you’re slowing down your heart and then you pivot your attention to one of the sense that you’re highlighting, whether it’s touch, smell, taste.
And then when you’re so focused on these sensations, you forgive yourself for all these other craziness that’s going on in your head. And then we can actually truly calm ourselves and reboot our energy. That again, we have this quick reset. The addition to that is ask yourself, how do you want to show up when you open your eyes for the next task or meeting that next client. Now you have a beacon of light. A pathway. So, even if you have a difficult client in the next encounter, but if your word of that intention is approachable, you know how you want it to behave now.
[WHITNEY]: That’s so great. And I love the importance that you keep speaking to intentionality and the things that we do, and even the exercises that you’re sharing. I bet a lot of people are listening, thinking, “Oh, I do these types of exercises with my clients all the time.” But how often do we take the time to actually do the exercises?
[SABRINA]: Exactly. And think of this way. If we don’t do ourselves, we’re just teaching it to other people. How will they feel? Do you really feel aligned to your message?
[WHITNEY]: I don’t know how true this is, or maybe you could say yes or no to this, but I’ve always heard it’s hard to take our clients further than the work we’ve already done ourselves?
[SABRINA]: Right, because we have to continue to go deep into our practice, into what we teach or what we do. Because if we become a natural practitioner, even in medicine there’s a study being shown when we are saying, “Oh, medical [inaudible 00:25:57]. When we suggest to take medication, people don’t do it. And it’s not even about taking the medication. It’s because they haven’t developed a habit. We know habit is something, once you do it repetitively, it becomes a subconscious behavior. Just like we’re driving to work. You don’t need to put on the GPS to navigate you. Your brain is triggering by the light, by the building, by the sign. You’re naturally following these cues. So, we have to be able to understand, what are the cues that we’re naturally picking up? Creating these cues, adding it to ourselves, and attaching to existing activity. So, those are the cues and then figuring out what is the end result. If you’re really clear on the result you’re getting and these cues and naturally get you there, then swapping out the activity in the middle is really easy.
[WHITNEY]: Oh, these are great tips. I appreciate you kind of going through these and sharing them with the audience today. I’m also curious as you kind of coach healthcare professionals, if you could narrow it down to one thing, is there one thing that you find to be the most challenging or the most often seen problem that they have with their schedule or with burnout that you address with people?
[SABRINA]: I think most of the time people are feeling overwhelmed. It’s more because they feel underappreciated or undervalued. That goes for their clients, their colleagues and even their families and get down to it. We all are hard workers. We’re not afraid to work hard. And that’s why people even feel overwhelmed because you work hard and you push yourself to the limit. If we work hard and not get any results that we think we want, then we start feeling that like the lack of a reward system. And that lack of reward system is really also because we start losing focus, losing aim. We’re not really sure where we want in this whole thing of life per se. And we’re just working as a perfect well oiled machine until things are just not really working out anymore.
[WHITNEY]: Yes. I think a lot of people can probably relate to that. Well, you have been so helpful today and you did mention a couple of your freebies, but let’s like review those real quick so that the audience knows about that. The Restoring Your Energy in Two Minutes download, can you talk about that for a second?
[SABRINA]: Yeah. So, that’s the exercise that I mentioned earlier in step three. So, how you can use that is whenever you have a moment, so that can be hard, right? So, let’s get down to detail. In between your major tasks or even in between your clients, take this two minutes for yourself to reset, to give yourself that boost of energy again. So, go to to grab that exercise.
[WHITNEY]: Perfect. And then you also have another free tool here. It’s at to help us understand what’s killing our harmony of life and work?
[SABRINA]: Yes. I see life as 10 different components. If we don’t know what our strengths are or what our sabotaging behaviors are, and that is difficult to see, “Oh, what I have to really redirect my focus?” Most of the time we focus on the things would do really well because they naturally give ourself a reforce system. And we tend to know what we’re not doing well, but procrastinate. If we are more intentional, understand why are we ignoring these signs, then we kind of focus again. That’s the piece of when we talked about earlier: reassess, realign on the weekly basis, now you can move forward. And every yes is a yes to making needles move in your life instead of robbing yourself time.
[WHITNEY]: Yeah, definitely. Well, Sabrina is on lots of great social media. And so, we’ll have all that in the show notes. And honestly, you can just look up Sabrina Runbeck and you’ll find her. Her website is also And then it’s exciting that you’re writing this book. So, when is that expected to come out? Or can you tell us a little bit about Asian Women Who BossUp?
[SABRINA]: Yeah, it’s very exciting. I am not a writer. First of all, I’m always being a speaker. So, when I got approached to leverage mastermind, when we can compound other people’s knowledge, ideas, and you grow faster together. And that’s why we go to conferences even. That book is going to be about 18 of us, all women, all Asian and how can we break the stereotype of just being proper, you’re only supposed to just know how to work here. You’re just good at math, but lack of personality, per se. Are people just supposed to just come out from these normal families? Everyone has a different story and is so unique and many people have build big companies and boost a profession into a certain level. So, that book is going to come out in March of next year and so, I’m very excited about that.
[WHITNEY]: Awesome. Well, hey way to take a risk and get to writing. So, I love it. And I love the title and everything that it’s about. So, I’m excited about that book.
[SABRINA]: Awesome. Thank you.
[WHITNEY]: Yeah. And I want to ask you the question I ask everyone on the show. What do you believe every Christian counselor needs to know?
[SABRINA]: Yes. So, I believe you have to say no to almost everything then you can say, “Hey, yes,” to the only things that truly matter in your life.
[WHITNEY]: I need to like write that down and put it in front of me when people are asking me questions. I love that. You said it so well. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to be on the show. And like I said, we’ll have everything in the show notes to get in touch with her, and we really appreciate you taking the time to be here today.
[SABRINA]: Amazing. Thank you so much. For having me and thanks everyone again for listening.
[WHITNEY]: Thank you for listening to the Faith in Practice podcast. If you love this podcast, please rate and review on iTunes or your favorite podcast player. If you liked this episode and want to know more, check out the practice, the practice website. Also there, you can learn more about me options for working together, such as individual and group consulting, or just shoot me an email We’d love to hear from you.
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Faith in Practice is part of the Practice of the Practice Podcast Network, a network of podcasts that are changing the world. To hear other podcasts like Empowered and Unapologetic, Bomb Mom, Imperfect Thriving, Marketing a Practice or Beta Male Revolution, go to

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