September 2013 Monthly Income Report

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Make more money as a counselor


September | What I’ve been up to and what I’ve learned

So am about to break the $40,000 mark for my part-time business for this year! Can you believe it?!


You are so amazing with your comments, thoughts, emails, clicking on my affiliate links, Google Ads, and purchasing my products, I can’t believe we are growing so much together. It blows my mind, you can do it too!!!

If you’re new here this would be the point that I would be creeped out and think that there was some ponzi scheme or pyramid ridiculousness coming, please read on. I tell you everywhere I make money, when it is an affiliate link, and how you can do the exact same thing. If you ever have questions, just contact me.

I’ve been doing these income reports for a year now! In September 2012 I made $1,361.60, this month I made $3137.30! That’s a 230.4127% increase, great for any business! Here’s what I’ve learned in the last year of keeping track of income:

1. Creating “passive income” is a lot more work than I thought it would be.

2. My main source of income (other than my full-time job) is counseling, consulting, and supervision.

3. I really like my friends and family and I need to continue to set boundaries around my time. I love putting in work to the website, I find it fun, rewarding, and engaging. It forces me to always learn and then translate that into something that others can learn from. Thus, when things start to get busy, I get excited and start to focus on business more than friends and family. I need to stop that.

4. I really love talking with people that read through this blog!

Specifically September

This month I had some interesting things happen on a personal level. My mom was hospitalized for heart issues and had a major surgery. So most days over the last few weeks were filled with my full time job, a few clients, and going to the hospital. As a result, I focused much less on posts and podcasts for

Also, this month and part of August was spent finishing, editing, and revising the print version of my book, Mental Wellness Parenting: A remarkably simple approach to making parenting easier.

It’s so exciting!

I also really wanted to get it finished up because I was the keynote speaker at the Michigan Home-based Family Services Conference. As you’ll see, the books sales definitely helped bring in some extra income. It also a great marketing tool. I’ll actually be speaking more about the experience of building the book in the future, but I’m applying to be an affiliate with them, so I’m waiting.

So, it was a very busy month!

Past Income Reports

YTD: $39,904.24 (January-September)

August 2013 Monthly Income Report total: $3835.74

July 2013 Monthly Income Report total: $5691.65

June 2013 Monthly Income Report total: $4,471.29

May 2013 Monthly Income Report total: $6,022.91

April 2013 Monthly Income Report total: $2,116.96

March 2013 Monthly Income Report total: $2,476.92

February 2013 Monthly Income Report total: $2,685.12

January 2013 Monthly Income Report total: $2,707.09

December 2012 Monthly Income Report total: $2,287.97

November 2012 Monthly Income Report total: $1,219.18

October 2012 Monthly Income Report total: $3,213.87

September 2012 Monthly Income Report total: $1,361.60

September 2013 Earning Report

What I’m going to be reporting and what I’m not going to be reporting

Full-time Job: Since some of you are new and some of you have been around Practice of the Practice for a while, I’m going to give a quick summary of where I make income. My full-time job is at a community college as a counselor. I love the job and it gives me great opportunities. Also, since my wife stays home with our daughter it is an income we can count on, health insurance, a pension, and a really great environment! I’m not going to disclose my full-time wages there, since it is not something that is part of my private practice.

Private Practice: I do 3-4 sessions a week in my private practice. I don’t take insurance, so it is private-pay. As a result, I don’t have many expenses in time or actual money. Included in my consulting (not my private practice money) is time I spend doing supervision for LLPCs (Limited Licensed Professional Counselors), a 100 hour requirement in Michigan.

Passive Income: The term “passive” makes it sound like I don’t have to do work. What I mean is money that I make that is not in direct exchange for my time. I will outline what these are under each item.

How I made money in September 2013

Disclosure: many of the links below are affiliate links that will earn me a commission if you purchase through them. If you do, I really appreciate it and if you have any questions about any of the products or services please contact me! Also, if you don’t have a good experience with them, I want to know that too.

Counseling, consulting, and useful products

Private Practice (10 sessions) $1,086

Other counselors, I have a counselor that works for my practice and I get a portion of what is brought in. I just brought on another 1099 counselor since my previous one got a full-time job. He will be working less since he has the full-time job. I hope this number will grow in the coming months: $345

Building Websites: $650

Paperwork Packet: $0

Consulting and LLPC Supervision: $480

E-books: $27.80

Practice of the Practice | A Start-up Guide to Launching a Counseling Private Practice
The Ten-minute Toddler Turnaround | Improving Sleep: Changing your toddler’s sleep health in ten-minutes.

Mental Wellness Parenting | A remarkably simple approach to making parenting easier

Paperback Copy of my book Mental Wellness Parenting: A remarkably simple approach to making parenting easier $263.95

Launch Your Practice Newsletter: This newsletter helps folks with struggling or new private practices to learn how to go from no practice to a thriving one in one year. 200% money-back guarantee! $132.03

Affiliate Marketing:

BlueHost Referrals $130

Amazon Affiliate Referrals $6.61.

NameCheap Referrals: $6.40

Google Ads $9.51 I think I’m getting closer to my July amount of 26.32. It’s because I screwed up some code. I guess it is only twenty bucks, but still. It is frustrating. Here’s my article about it: What I just learned…the hard way

LegalZoom: $0

September 2013 total: $3,137.30

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Some of the numbers from Google Ads, Amazon, NameCheap, and my e-books will not be paid until they reach a certain amount or 60-90 days after the sale. I report what has been sold in the month it was sold. Also, I do not take expenses off of this report.

headshot from

Joseph R. Sanok, MA, LLP, LPC, NCC is amazed how much fun it is to help other people in business and counseling! He helps angry kids, frustrated parents, and distant couples at his private practice in Traverse City, MI at Mental Wellness Counseling. Also, he is the author of Mental Wellness Parenting | A remarkably simple approach to making parenting easier. To link to Joe’s Google+ .


Counseling Private Practice tips

 Photo by Victor1558

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