Do you want to expand beyond providing clinical therapy? Have you considered coaching? Which new route can you take to level yourself up while assisting your clients in more ways?
In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks about the process of adding coaching to private practice with Stacey Steinmiller.
Podcast Sponsor: Level Up Week
You’re probably entering that phase where you start to set yourself up for 2023, you’re thinking about what your goals are gonna be, what you’re not going to do, and what you hope to achieve.
But regardless of where you are within your private practice journey, I’m challenging you to make these last few months count, to dig deep, and to make next year the one for big changes within your business – and more importantly – within yourself.
So if you’ve been looking for a sign to either start your own private practice, grow from solo to group, or become a next-level group practice boss, this is it…and you’re certainly not alone, because Practice of the Practice is doing something we’ve never done before.
We’re so convinced that now is the time for you to grow that we’re dedicating all our resources to help you do it. We’re all in. Every single one of us. And we’re inviting you to go all in and level up.
From September 12 to 15 we’ll be running ‘Level Up’ week to help you decide what will work best for you in your private practice journey. There will be webinars, Q&As with experts, and a chance for you to meet your accountability partners, facilitators, and community.
Make September 2022 the month that you start your journey and level up.
Meet Stacey Steinmiller
Stacey Steinmiller, LCSW-R is a psychotherapist turned coach. She helps people to eat better, sleep better, work better, and love better. Her goal is for her clients to do more than just shift their thoughts, but transform their mind and energy.
Stacey works with people who, despite being smart and insightful, can’t figure out why they’re struggling. She is passionate about helping people to let go of control, becoming empowered, take fully responsibility of themselves, and act in alignment of their true self.
With offering any service, you need to define the scope of the problem and the person that you want to help. Think about:
Their age
Possible challenges they could be facing
How your experience could be valuable
That’s my big focus [which] is helping people to heal the relationship with themselves. (Stacey Steinmiller)
You could work with people who have already gone through therapy and that just need to help zoning in on those microcosms that could be blocking them from leveling up in their lives.
We don’t have to be stuck in that box that grad school told us we had to [stay] in … as long as we feel that [new ventures] still follow our personal ethics. (Joe Sanok)
Handling code of ethics
Learning how to help people in a personal and ethical way will be a shift from providing clinical therapy, but it is possible if you want to pursue coaching.
Go internal and see what sits right and well with you instead of always deferring out to see what everybody else is doing.
Coaching boundaries are not the same as therapy boundaries so when you market different packages, be clear on what they entail and which services a person is purchasing from you in each one.
Some coaching boundaries include:
One-on-one sessions
Private groups for clients
Allowing platforms for clients to contact the coach
This is a package and you’re paying for that level of communication and availability, and these are the mediums, different software programs, and apps to use [to contact me]. (Stacey Steinmiller)
Stacey’s advice to private practitioners
Allow yourself to up-level and allow the growth to happen, because it will also naturally happen.
If an idea is speaking to you, let it develop and explore the new nudge. Follow your creativity and permit it to develop to follow your growth.
Useful Links mentioned in this episode:
Level Up your practice and business mentality on September 12th to 15th
Joe Sanok helps counselors to create thriving practices that are the envy of other counselors. He has helped counselors to grow their businesses by 50-500% and is proud of all the private practice owners that are growing their income, influence, and impact on the world. Click here to explore consulting with Joe.
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Podcast Transcription
This is the Practice of the Practice Podcast with Joe Sanok, session number 782.
I’m Joe Sanok, your host and welcome to the Practice of the Practice podcast. I am so excited that you’re joining me today. On Monday we kick off Level Up Week. All week is going to be level up week. We have 15 or 20 webinars at the time of this recording that we have scheduled that week for every single phase of practice. If you’re just getting started and you’re like, should I even start a practice, we have webinars for you, trainings, live Q&As, just the time to meet other people that are around that phase that you could just ask questions like, what do you do? We’re going to be doing some organized ones as well, like taking step-by-step through, but then also just Q&A on should I start a practice?
Then we also have all sorts of webinars that are all about going from a solo practice to a group practice and adding that first person. Then we also have ones about how to rock out a group practice. Then lastly, we have ones on multiple streams of income, how to get book deals, leveling up even beyond your practice. So all week next week from Monday through Thursday, we have a bunch of webinars. You’re going to check out over at You can get access to all those webinars, they’re totally free. Invite your friends, invite your colleagues, come check it out. Level Up Week, it’s the first time we’ve done this where we have done a huge push as a team to just say, let’s really focus on the last quarter of the year, making it awesome.
I’m really excited. We’ve been doing this Level Up series throughout August and early September now and really talking to people that have leveled up in a variety of ways. That’s where Stacy Steinmiller, who’s an LCSW-R, is such a perfect person to have today. Stacy is a psychotherapist-turned coach. She built a thriving practice in Rochester, New York with the help of resources such as my podcast. Well, look at that, that you made it into her bio. Stacy began a very small practice in 2014 and slowly grew it until her client’s dream became very steady and no longer had to do any marketing until she was full. She specializes in complex trauma and EMDR, and recently decided to launch a coaching practice. Stacy, welcome to the Practice of the Practice podcast. I’m so glad that you’re here with me today.
Thanks for having me, Joe. I’m really excited to be here.
Yes, I didn’t even read your bio ahead of time and got a shout out in your bio, so thanks for that.
No problem. I thought it was fun. So I found fun there.
That’s great. I love it. When you started your practice in 2014, like sketch out what your life was like where you said I’m going to start a private practice.
Yes, so I guess how I tell it now in a funny way is that my private practice was born out of anger. I was at a clinic for about almost five years at that point. I had gotten married inside a house, gotten married, wanted start a family, and I was hitting a lot of blocks at the clinic setting. I always thought that I would just, I guess, stay there. Well, I always knew I wanted a private practice, but at the same time I was always a good student. I was always that person that wants to just keep moving up. So when I was in a clinic I thought, oh, I’d move up into management move forward but I kept hitting a lot of hurdles and more of, I’m not happy, with how they’re running things and not feeling like, realizing I was not going to be a good fit to continue moving up in that sort of setting. That was very difficult for me. I also got trained in EMDR around that time and found out I think like a month after my training, very shortly after that they told us we couldn’t use that mode of intervention in the clinic and that was big for me and I knew I was going to leave after that.
So had they had you get trained in EMDR and then said that, or was that just something that you did outside of there or how, what happened?
No, yes, that was something I did outside of it. It felt like more of a slap in the face because I had decided to invest my own time and money into enhancing my clinical skills for my clients. Yes, and then to be told that I couldn’t use it because the director of behavioral health didn’t believe in it, I guess, yes, it felt like a world slap in the face.
I mean, I think that there’s so many times where it manifests itself in different ways, but it’s sort of the same narrative of someone else being in control of your professional career instead of you being able to say, how many hours do I want to work? What days do I want to work? What modalities do I want to use? As long as it’s within your code of ethics and your licensure and obviously the law that can get so frustrating, especially for people that maybe are higher achievers and want to do something more than what they’ve been doing. So when you had those realizations, and I love that your practice was born out of anger, it’s so funny, for some reason it reminds me of when Yoda quotes the Budd and said, fear leads to anger, anger to hate and hate to suffering. I’m not saying your practice is suffering, but it just, I thought of that. So what were your first steps to get a practice going? Did you keep the job and then do it on the side? Did you just like mic drop and leave or how did that look when you were looking at building your practice?
Yes, so I did a slow progression. I just started yes, very solely. I subletted from a friend who was like super amazing. She let me use the office for free for a bit until I had a few clients so that I could pay her, so just got the DBA and the bank account and just really slowly started on the side while I was still there. At some point I got pregnant and I had my daughter in June, 2015 and I did apply for a promotion prior to that and I didn’t get it because of my outspokenness and my view is that I made sure everybody was known.
Well, isn’t it funny how sometimes at the moment you’re like, dang, I didn’t get that. I remember I applied to be the director of student life and the dean had come to me and said, make sure you apply for this. I thought, oh my gosh, I’m going to totally get this. Then I told my former boss about the role because she was such a great supervisor, that I thought, if I don’t get this, at least I want to have a good boss. So she ended up getting the role and she’s still there and I would’ve been handcuffed. It just would’ve been like, it was such a gift to not get it because it then made me say like, okay, I’m not going to be here long-term if there’s not some upward mobility here.
Yes, yes. It’s nice to see how that all works out in the end. It reminds me of how, and this is the work I do more now about how to practice non-attachment not get so controlling and focused on outcomes and so forth. How I was so embedded in what my roles and identity meant for me as a person and my worth, I was really caught up in a lot of that at the time, which did cause a lot of suffering.
Well, so before we get into like what your practice did, tell me about that non-attachment. I mean that’s been a journey over my last couple years. What sparked that? What was helpful to learn how to step back from causing your own suffering from attachment?
Well, I tend to learn the hard way. I’m very stubborn and you pair that with that high achieving energy like you were talking about before. I really ran myself into the ground and tried to live my life as if I was working on some sort of school project and just get it done, do the things and I really ended up abandoning a lot of parts of myself along the way. So yes, it I ended up leaving the clinic, which was a good thing but then it also turned into leaving my marriage in 2018. So there’s just like a lot of things that happened. That was probably the biggest one when I realized that I was trying to create and force a certain life and I wasn’t listening to a lot of different parts of myself that I think really sparked that journey forward on learning non-attachment and moving forward with that. That has been so impactful for me. I think that’s what has ultimately led from moving from therapy to coaching because I started to feel more attracted to not necessarily therapy modalities to facilitate higher growth.
Now during that uncoupling, what were some resources that were helpful for you to get through that?
Yes, I mean I went to therapy. I was going, I had started going to therapy before that trying to like frantically force, try to force myself to feel differently than I felt as I was trying to frantically fix things or whatever. So the therapy was really, really helpful. I don’t know if I really, I’m trying to think if I used any other resources. I probably should have used more resources, but I was in so much shame. It was really hard. So like learning how to work through all that shame was that was, that was tough.
So then what happened in your practice as you started to grow the practice before you moved into coaching?
Then at that time, so my practice is the thing that kept things consistent for me and I was able to put my energy and passion into, I also have a daughter who’s now seven that put energy into so my practice. I felt like, I don’t want to use the word saved me, but it was like that rock I guess for me. As I learned to deepen more into my myself, I noticed my work actually improved during that time. Which I thought was really cool. So I just continued that for a few years and I felt like I was like coasting a bit, which I was okay with. I was like, I don’t want to keep pushing because I guess I was doing more personal work at the time and then Covid and all that stuff.
Then about a year ago I had, I knew my system was ready. My system always needs challenges and moving forward so I had been feeling nudges that my system was ready for a change and I really didn’t want to go the group practice route. It just wasn’t speaking to me. I thought about trying to look into doing multiple streams of income as a therapist, which a lot of therapists do and work for them but I kept feeling pulled to just such different ways of working that I knew wouldn’t fit into the ethics and so forth that I was like I think it’s best for me to just do the coaching route because I felt I was going to have most flexibility in how I practice. So that’s why I ended up choosing coaching for my next step or journey.
How long did you have your private practice going before you switched to coaching?
I just fully switched earlier this year, so in, yes, so, 2014 is when I had started it, but it was really on the side. It was technically late 2013, but I like barely had a client so it was close to 10 years, a good summer
Then did you do the coaching with the counseling at the same time or did you just stop one and start the other?
Well, so I had started building the coaching practice while I was still doing therapy and, but just like a little bit more on the side, just like okay getting my foundation set, my paperwork, my business stuff. My plan was to just continue both. Then earlier this year I kept getting more nudges of just like, you need to put all your energy into this because I also know myself too that, because the therapy practice was so easy and I didn’t have to do any more marketing like I had said at that point that I knew I needed like a fire under my butt to really move with the coaching practice. So it was a little crazy decision I guess but I decided I’m going to just, I’m going to end with my therapy clients and just fully jump into the coaching practice. Because I had done my from clinic to therapy practice, the slower way, I think there was a part of my system that I really want to know what it feels like to do it the big jump way. So, yes. I guess I giving myself permission to experience what that’s like, I guess
What was hard when you had both counseling and coaching going on? Like as that was developing before you said no, I’m just closing the counseling practice, what was difficult during that phase?
I think it was my energy, getting my energy into what it fully means to be, be a coach and not a therapist and by continuing to be a therapist, I just felt like my mind and body couldn’t fully jump into it. So it was more of like an energy thing, if that makes any sense.
Yes. Were there any logistical things that, like having specific releases for coaching clients that maybe clarified you’re not doing counseling or like what were some of those logistical things?
I did purchase these I templates, like these client agreement sort of things from a lawyer that I could then adjust for my business that says for the coaching that this is not a medical treatment, this is, like covering my butt in all those ways, which it is helpful to get those things set up. That was one of the first things I got set up so that you feel supported in that legal way and I found that that’s important for me to have.
How did your initial coaching clients find you? How’d you figure out your specialty, your direction, because I feel like sometimes, I mean counseling, a lot of people know what counseling is. So you’ll get either added to insurance panels or you’ll get just be known in the community whereas coaching, it feels like sometimes there’s people that just say they’re a coach and they’re just a person that likes to talk and they haven’t gone through any coaching. So it’s sort of like watered down. Some people are great, amazing coaches, totally worth it. Some are just hacked. So you’re competing with like this image of what coaching is. How did you position yourself to make around the same amount of money or better or to make that as like a good decision? What did those first clients look like when they were coming in?
So they were basically still within my local network. That was something I mentally had to get around because I’m like, well I want to be all over the place. I want to be bigger than that. I don’t want to stay in Rochester, but that’s where my network is. So I had to almost give myself permission that Stacey, you’re still known here. We have so many connections, so making it okay and not seeing it as a failure because I was telling myself this weird story that would be a failure for some reason. So yes, it was really utilizing the networks I already had, which I think was really helpful because then people already know me, they know my history, they know that I have the therapy background, so I’m trying to position that to help with that authority, to cut through the noise of the, like you’re saying, the more unauthentic coaches. I felt like that would be helpful.
I’m so I’m still in that process of navigating this whole new world of marketing a coaching practice, which feels so different from everything I did for my therapy practice and learning how to connect with strangers on social media and things like that, make posts, I make videos and reels. I do all I think the normal things that any online coach or business would do. But one of the biggest things that I’m learning right now is yes, as I connect with people, if I notice there’s something I can help them with is to speak from my heart in saying like I would love to work with you. That’s been a huge growth edge for me because obviously no one wants to be that like sleazy sales sort of thing and diving into this energy of that yes, it’s not a sleazy sales thing. It’s I see somebody and I see this huge potential where they want to be, where they want to up level and they’re hitting these blocks and then being able to say like, “Hey I could, I would love to help you with this.” To see how that’s been received in such a positive way has been really, I don’t even know the word for that, but that’s been huge for me.
I think it’s time that we speak about you and your goals for a minute. Hear me out. For a while now, we’ve been speaking about, about how to market your practice, how to grow your practice, and how to be a better boss and encourage a company culture but isn’t it time to start making it happen? I’m serious, I’m challenging you to just do it. Take that leap of faith, put yourself out there and level up in your practice. Think about it. You’re probably entering that phase where you start to set yourself up for 2023. You’re thinking about what your goals are going to be, what you’re not going to do and what you hope to achieve. But regardless of where you are within your private practice journey, I’m challenging you to make these last few months count to dig deep, to make next year the one for big changes within your business and more importantly within yourself.
If you’ve been looking for a sign to either start your own private practice, grow from solo to group, or become a next level group practice boss, this is it. You’re certainly not alone because Practice of the Practice is doing something we’ve never done before. We’re so convinced that now is the time for you to grow, that we’re dedicating all our resources to help you do it. We’re all in every single one of us and we’re inviting you to go all in and level up. From September 12th to September 15th, we’ll be running level up week to help you decide what will work best for you in your private practice journey. There will be webinars, Q&As with experts and a chance for you to meet your accountability partners, facilitators, and community.
If you’re ready to make a change and level up register at and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages at Practice of the Practice for live updates and event details. Lastly, before I jump back into this episode, I just want to say that I really hope to see you there, even if it’s just online. Remember that leveling up week isn’t about us. It’s not about me or about Practice of the Practice. It’s all about you and growing your practice, whether it be your first solo practice or growing you from group practice boss to reaching a national audience. Make September, 2022, the month that you start your journey and level up.
So right now, how do you define the specialty of what you’re coaching around? Do you have an ideal client or business avatar that you’re focusing on?
Yes, I mean I tend to focus more, I guess I don’t like using the, as far as like age, probably around my age. I’m 36, but I don’t like to use the word middle age. But usually, they’re probably people in their thirties, forties and fifties that are wanting, they’re wanting that up level. It could be in business or relationships or within, I guess I would say like that spiritual journey, that relationship with yourself. That’s really my big focus, is helping people to really heal the relationship with themselves. I don’t even know if heal is the right word, but bringing it in full alignment with your deepest desires and your full potential to get over all of the mental and emotional blocks that get in the way. Because at some point in your journey, even if you’ve, so my ideal client, usually they’ve done therapy and self-work and they’ve done a lot of that stuff and they’re in the little more microcosm blockages as they’re leveling up and having that support and really working through these lingering blocks from moving from that struggle, striving, trying energy to how to invite and allow creativity and expression and moving through life in that true ideal way that we may have even said, that’s impossible, that life can’t be that good. Yes, I feel like I’m rambling, but —
No, no, I think, I mean, you’re getting to a lot of just how hard it sometimes is to figure out our specialty and our niche. I mean, like, you’re in the thick of it this is a newer endeavor. So to me the power of this series of how I leveled up is similar to the How I Got Through It series that oftentimes the leveling up isn’t okay, now I’ve arrived and I’m done. Like even with Practice of Practice, which I would say by most accounts is a really successful business still, it’s like, well, how do we level up? How do we serve more people? How do we help more people? How do I make sure that I limit my time so I’m not just like taken over by this thing that I love? And to look at the audience and say, oh, we’ve got people that are growing past their private practice. So now we have Audience Building Academy or other things where, that’s just the fun and messy part of business.
It’s not like, okay, I hung up my shingle, I switched over to coaching, everything’s perfect. I don’t really have to do anything now. It’s like, no, it’s ever moving and our interests are changing and that’s what to me is great about these conversations, that we don’t have to be stuck in that box that grad school told us we had to stick in as long as we feel, still follows our own personal ethics or things like that. I do want to talk about being able to transcend or remove the licensure side or the like, code of ethics side, how has that given you freedom? Then also like, are there things that maybe from the code of ethics you still follow personally, even though it’s coaching, you don’t maybe have to follow as many of like the licensure type things, but how have you thought through that?
Yes, so it’s definitely freeing I guess I would say overall if you put a name to it but yes, so like navigating that or even just like I was saying, talking to people on Messenger and things like that, it’s been an adjustment. So like learning how to do that in what feels as a personal ethical way since that wouldn’t even be allowed at all under the therapy ethics. It’s actually, and I’m allowing to play with that if that makes sense, like not making it the scary thing, but like how does this feel to my system and how does that feel to my system? I think it’s really coming into this deep trust in myself that down in my core, the ethics are there and they’re good and to honor that and so to really go internal versus well what’s everybody else doing? Like what’s okay over there? What’s okay over there and honoring that system? So yes, boundaries of, so it might not be, it’s not the same boundaries as a therapist, but knowing, well for this package, this is what the communication looks like, this is what you’re getting. So there’s still boundaries, they’re just different, if that makes sense.
What does some of those boundaries look like in coaching compared to counseling?
It would be, so I have different packages that might just be a one-on-one session and I have like a, I have a private group for my clients. So it’s like contacting me outside of sessions what that looks like of, oh, here, use this program to contact me. Whereas now I have like a high-end package that uses boxer support where if you, like, you’re paying for that like daily voice notes and text messages is, okay, this is a package and you’re paying for that level of communication and availability and these are the mediums, the different software programs, apps to use that.
Yes, yes. Now what are common things that as you enter into coaching that you’d say you’ve learned throughout that process, maybe that surprised you in adding coaching or maybe you expected it and you’re like, oh, this is exactly how I thought it would be.
I would say definitely more surprises than expectations. I really thought it would be so similar to my therapy practice journey. In a few ways it is, but also the world has changed so much in the past decade too, that I feel like I’m it’s, not only is it a new business, but it’s a new world at this time as well. So yes, the amount of this is a negative way to look at it. This feels like poking and prodding. Like I feel like I’m poking and prodding people even though it’s like something they want this our, I’m curious what you think about it. Like we are so used to other people reminding us things and taking care of us and funneling us into this where, and that that direction and taking more of that active role.
I’m still playing with what I want that to look like as a coach because as a therapist you didn’t, you weren’t so like ingrained into what’s going on. It’s like they made an appointment and showed up, or they didn’t whereas yes, this is a little different. So that’s been a thing, one real positive shift. Well one of the biggest surprises I guess is my personal growth that I’ve been needing to do alongside of it, and I have my own coaches and really recognizing how not powerful my language is. That’s been really surprising for me because like, as I was talking about how I was at the clinic where I was like, oh, I always speak my mind and this, that and the other thing. But as I’m dissecting my language and how I’m talking to people, my reels that I’m making and looking at how impactful or powerful my language tone of voice and everything is, realizing there’s a lot of like pleasing energy in there still that I didn’t realize was there. It’s been really confronting actually.
It’s so interesting because I think that that’s such a powerful part of the process of stepping into something new and looking at the first cohort of Audience Building Academy of people that were stepping out of their practice and launching big things. These badass confident people that have built group practices and they’re rocking it out for them to then eventually realize, oh, I have the same skills that I need for building an audience. I just didn’t frame it that way. When you’re talking on an Instagram reel, like just talk to one person. You don’t have to worry about the millions of people that are out there that might see it. It’s really fun for me to just see people step into that. I love that you’re describing this process as it’s unfolding for you. That leveling up, like we said earlier, it can be messy, it can be confusing, it can be exciting but then that’s part of stepping into that next phase. Stacy the last question I always ask is, if every private practitioner in the world were listening right now, what would you want him to know?
The first thing that had come to mind when you had said you’d asked me that is this, yes, this continuous upleveling. I want to invite the word allow, like allow yourself to up level, allow the growth to happen. Because it will just naturally happen. We don’t need to force it to happen. So I think by allowing those nudges, if you’re like, I want to start a podcast or I want to do this group, I want to create another stream of income and not to turn it into some big monster but just allow those nudges, follow your creativity and give permission for that. So I think that’s like a real natural way to follow our growth where it’s neither I got to force the growth and also the opposite of, oh no, the growth scares me. I feel like that’s like a real way to approach that.
Such a great way to think about it. If people want to connect with you, follow your work where’s the best place to send them?
I do have a website. It’s, because my business name is, the new one is Radical Evolution. I’m really active on Facebook. Now you can have your personal page as your business page. My name Stacy Steinmiller that people friend and follow me on. I also have Instagram at the, it’s the Radical Evolution and I’m also on TikTok, Radical Evolution. So yes, I’m everywhere and easy to find.
Oh, that’s so awesome. Well, Stacy, thank you so much for being on the Practice of the Practice podcast.
Thank you for having me. Joe.
I just want to go back to an underlying just how when we level up. It’s not always easy, it’s not always clean, it’s sometimes messy and that’s okay. Even sometimes there’s lots of times that I failed when I stepped into more coaching and consulting and stepped away from my practice and I tried things that just didn’t work out. So that’s normal. That’s okay. That’s part of the leveling up. If you’re looking for some guidance on how to level up, next week is going to be a powerful week. If there’s any of the webinars that you want to attend or that you want access to afterwards, we will be emailing out recordings with them. Make sure you register for them so you get those recordings.
Also next week is when we open up all of our membership communities. If you are just getting started and you want to know how to start a practice, we have Next Level Practice, which is aimed at helping solo practitioners start and grow their solo practice. We are also opening up our cohort of Group Practice Launch. So if you want to add someone to your practice, want to be a group practice owner, at the end of that six months, you will get, have at least hired one person, if not more. It’s a systematic program we walk you through. Then if you are a group practice owner that wants extra support, extra community, small groups, trainings things like that we meet every single week, Group Practice Boss is for you. Then if you’re ready to level up beyond that, into things that go beyond your practice, Audience Building Academy is the fastest way to build an audience.
We work with you over six months in a milestone-based program, step-by-step. All of those details to all those communities and all of the webinars is over at You’ll be able to see all the events that we have going on, and if any of those communities interest you can just click on those and read about them. Also, if you ever have questions, if you’re stuck, you can just go to In the bottom right, Jess, our director of details is on there every day of the week. You can just send her a question and you might say, “Hey, do you have any blog posts about this? Do you have any help with this? Do you guys do coaching around this?” She will, she’s a real person. She lives in California. I just met with her earlier today. So it’s not a robot. She’ll just say, “Hey, this is where I would point you,” and if she doesn’t know, she’ll text me and then she’ll let you know. Again, check out and you can get all those details about all the webinars that we’re doing.
Thank you so much for letting me into your ears and into your brain. Have an amazing day. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.
Special thanks to the band Silence is Sexy for your intro music.
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